ᛊ Sól

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the sun

the sun of honor

shining among the fighters

you fight

not only to escape death

but to live

even if you are away

from harms way

you fight

even if the shield is broken

even if your sword is rusty

even if your axe is headless

even if the odds are against you

fight, fight, fight

and fight

once more, once more

until the ravens

sing for you

bargain with your axe

not with words and promises

and i assure you, friend

that the Aesir will shine Sól

the sun of honor

of victory

upon you

and your hardwork

will pay off

now flee to the ground of battle

and fight

and let the glory of Sól

be your might

the sun of Sól

is always shining on us

reminding us of honor

of glory

of work

what are we resting for?

do not listen to the barking

of mere dogs of doubt

inside your head

keep your emotions


and focus

for your emotions are both

your weakness

and your strength

fight with your mind

not with your heart

that is how you slay

the beast of the battle

the victory is in your hands

with the glory of Sól

engraved on your chest

chiseled on your soul

fear nothing

for the sun of honor is shining

on us


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