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Hey guys. I want to apologize for the lack of updates.

Online school has been stressing me out a lot and I've been busy with updating several other stories. Not only that, but my fuel for continuing most of my current RWBY-related stories has been drying up. I've been making stories for a couple of things that isn't RWBY-related recently and found that it's more fun to do that than this. I've been writing mostly RWBY-based stories for nearly two years and I guess I'm slowly getting tired to continue with it. The only story I think I still have motivation to continue is basically "Fight Like Hell!", but that's because it's a completely different than any RWBY story I've ever made before. I still want to continue with my other stories, but I can't find any motivation to do so.

So, right now I think I will put this story on hold for a bit, at least until I find motivation to continue again or online school is finished. I need time to focus on stuff outside of Wattpad and work on stuff that I do find enjoyable instead of forcing content out. I hope you guys understand. I sincerely apologize for this, but I hope you can be patient enough with me. If not, I completely understand. Peace out.

The Devil's Past (A Devil May Cry/DOOM x RWBY AU story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz