It often feels like it's the reason she is disliked here. Rumours can fly, and like a bird's song, it will spread and everyone will hear it.

All it takes is one little mistake.

She knows that Lou isn't...Mr.Perfect. Physically, yes. His looks stand above all dolls, even the males are fans when they should be jealous. It's confusing.

Mental is a challenge (she is not saying that he is mentally challenged), Mandy means that she doesn't know how his mind operates. Doesn't know his true nature.

Sometimes it feels like she just sees a facade. Lou is certainly good at leading, he is bound to pick up a things or two about acting.

Mandy is not blind though, she saw how his demeanour changes when the bunny spoke or even was near.

Could he be the Ox all those years ago? I mean, I barely knew him, but he was nice. Heard that even Lou liked him.

That...this is saying. Especially in her thoughts, Mandy is surprised that her mind comes up with something like that.

Sometimes it feels like she doesn't have free reign.

"Do this, do that." Her mouth mutters. "I hate those phrases. Can I ever have a day off? I hate the spy girls."

She really does have hatred in her heart, Mandy has always been ordered around, she has always been the one who everyone thought was gullible.

She is smarter than they fucking think. Pretty can be pretty, she knows that, but the factory made one error.

Giving the dolls free will. Wills that allow them to think and bloom as both dolls and people. Giving them personalities, jobs, even intelligence.

The factory isn't as smart as they like to think. Even they aren't perfect at times.

It's something that her, the spy girls, and even Lou take pleasure in. It's rare they outsmart it.

Mandy's hands are folded in front of her as she walks with the ugkydolls.

They just chat and chat and chat and chat and they just fucking chat-

Mandy just wants from them. Is that so hard to ask for? She knows it is the type twelve doll inside her that wants this. Her normal side fights the urge to yell at the uglydolls.

A perfect doll restrains themselves, they put on a stupid, fake smile to put on a show.

Mandy wants to obey this, but a frowns takes over, she feels the order to be perfect. To not be bothered by this utter, insensitive chattering-

She takes a breath, it always helps. She needs to be calm.

A hand touches hers and she looks to see the pink doll there.

Wasn't her name, Roxie? No, it was Moxy. I'm stupid. Emma was right, I am deaf as well as bloody blind.

"Yes?" Mandy asks. "What do you want?"

"Are you alright?" Moxy is concerned. "You seem a little...down?"

The purple haired doll feels a smile touch her lips. Like Lou, her and the others put on a show.

"I'm fine." Her hands fold tighter. "I'm just thinking."

Not really a lie.

Mandy doesn't want to admit that the pink doll intrigues her. She seems more optimistic than the orange doll.

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