8. Consumed.

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Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou and ox-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't watched uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

( joycethebooklover and LoveGamer3 And ZaneChan505 and SilentReadersMatter And lonerubyreader And Mycurrentfandom)

(Comment what you think of the ending!)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)

The brothers are always more than brothers.


Ox stands there in the hallways. Keeping his eye on the blonde doll taking suspicious medication. Lou's eyes are hazy and glasses over as he glances at the green doll in a blank state.

"Yes, little bunny?" Lou sneers, a frown forcing his way. He can't keep the damn smile. "Do I need to hear your bull squirt? You humiliated me in the past, left me to attend you little desires. You promised to visit."

He sounds...broken. In the past, weakness wouldn't been considered...weak. Only the strong survive in this world the factory created long before the uglies were born into life.

"You never did."

Suddenly Ox is kicked against the wall. The Lou he knows in the past is long gone. Replacing him is the monster morphed as the year went on by the factory the selfishness of others who leave.

Including Ox.

"Lou." He hisses, standing. "You aren't like. Put the tablets down. Talk to me, goddammit. I won't judge. You know I won't judge. I'll be there."

Lou also stands there staring. His mask hiding the true emotion, but there's no use concealing the visible swirl of uncertainty and darkness.

"Yeah. You were there." He grinned, tone taking a sarcastic light. "You were so there, YOU FUCKING LEFT AND NEVER CAME BACK! DAMN YOU, OX! YOU DON'T GET TO SAY YOU'L BE THERE."

Lou's eyes glow in the darkness and Ox swears they become another colour. Pure red and reflecting ruby in the enveloping shadows caressing the pair as if they belonged to the void engulfing both lives.

"I'm broken." Lou says simply. "And you are to."

He turned his back and walked a distance. A mile? A minute away? Another room? He can't even keep track of time in this place.

Ox stands shocked. As the door closed, the shadows swallow his form whole and he brings a hand to wipe a tear in his one functioning eye.

To an animal, they mate. Ox let his go.

He doesn't follow his former mate.


Exile is not a good punishment.

Ox walks room to room. Door to door. Opening each and every one in the hopes of the darkness lifting its claws and finally revealing the light.

It's claws sunk into his mouth. He fights to control one word, one name of the very doll who looked for in the present and maybe even future.

Uglydolls: More than JUST brothers?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora