Chapter 2- Starships

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    Yoongi would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to showering today.

    Out of the six hours he was bagging groceries, at least 4 of them were spent thinking of his mysterious new neighbor "Hope" (he doubted that was his actual name but he was too awkward to ask).

    He was entirely aware of how stupid he was being but he just couldn't help it. Yoongi's life was the same everyday- sleep in, go to work, shower, eat, stay up late working on a dream that was never going to happen, and then repeat. He didn't exactly have any friends- he told himself it was because he was too busy, but deep down he knew that people scared him.

    So why was Yoongi so infatuated with Hope? He didn't even know the guy- all he knew was that he had just moved in nextdoor, he liked to use way too much pink washi tape, he wrote in cursive, (he most likely wasn't a drug addict like Yoongi had initially assumed), his voice was loud and cheery, and his laugh was probably the single most addicting thing that Yoongi had ever heard...


    His manager told him that he was allowed to leave early today, so of course he was more than happy to oblige. He stopped on the way home at a convenience store to buy some more coconut shampoo (why was that stuff so goddamn expensive?) and made his long, tiring walk back to the apartment.

    What if Hope already showered? Yoongi wondered. It is kind of late...

    That question bothered him more than it should have.

    When Yoongi finally got home he wasted no time getting undressed and turning on the shower. He took his new shampoo out of the plastic bag and stepped under the stream of warm water, letting it cascade down his sore back for a few minutes.

    Now what?

    Yoongi sighed sadly. This whole thing was pretty stupid, he really shouldn't be so upset that-

    "So what are we singing today?"

    Yoongi let out a startled yelp, nearly slipping and breaking his neck.

    "Sorry!" Hope laughed. "Don't kill yourself, I thought you heard me get in!"

    Yoongi took a moment to catch his breath, his heart beating quickly. "Uhh, yeah. No, you didn't scare me, I'm fine!"

    Hope laughed again. Yoongi felt his cheeks flush.

    "So, do you have a song in mind?"

    Yoongi had been looking forward to this all day- but naturally now he was embarrassed.

    "Um..." Yoongi mumbled. God, I'm such a loser.

    "Hmm..." Hope thought aloud. "Oh, I know! Let's go to the beach, each let's go get away. They say, what they gonna say?"

    Oh my fucking god.

    But Hope only continued, clearly getting more into it by the second.

    "I'm on the floor, floor, I love to dance so give me moOre, more-"

    Yoongi couldn't help himself any longer- he burst out laughing. That was probably the worst voice crack he'd ever heard in his life.

    "Are you making fun of me?" Hope chuckled. "Let's see you try then if you're so good."

    Yoongi knew he really shouldn't, but... well, he wanted to hear Hope laugh again.

    "Starships were meant to flyyyy, hands up and touch the skyyyy."

    "Oh my GOD. Okay, now together!"

    Yoongi's face hurt from smiling, but he joined his neighbor anyway.

    "Can't stop 'cause we're so HIIIIGH, let's do this one more time."

    "We're higher than a MOTHER FUCKER!" Hope finished.

    And then he started beatboxing.

    After about another half hour of terrible singing, when Yoongi's sides hurt so badly that he could hardly breathe and his water bill for the month had successfully doubled, the two were forced to say goodbye.

    "Same time tomorrow?" Hope asked him. Yoongi heard him turning off his water, so he did the same.

    "Uhh, yeah, maybe," Yoongi muttered awkwardly. He couldn't believe he had spent the last half hour singing Nicki Minaj with a complete stranger.

    "Okay, well see you then!"

    Scratch that- he couldn't believe he had spent the past half hour singing Nicki Minaj with a complete stranger and enjoyed it.

    Yoongi looked in the mirror and was met with bright red cheeks.


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