Chapter 1- Hope

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    Yoongi really hated customer service. If one more lady asked him if she could speak to his manager because he was "bagging her groceries too slowly" he was going to lose it.

    He really hoped that his current situation was not a long term thing because if it was he would probably end up throwing himself out of a moving car (as soon as he could afford a car). When Yoongi skipped college to start a career in music he knew that he'd be stuck with a miserable job and a miserable little apartment and miserable take out food for dinner every night (Yoongi didn't mind Chinese food though. Chinese food was good).

    Yoongi grumbled the entire way home from the grocery store. It was already pretty late and there weren't many cars on the road. His feet hurt and he was hungry. He couldn't wait to get home, take a nice hot shower, eat some Chinese food, work on some music, and then stay up until 4 am watching tik toks.

     Yoongi finally arrived at his crappy apartment. He was about to pull out his rusty old key when he noticed a note taped to his door with an excessive amount of pink washi tape.

Hi new neighbor! I just moved in next door! I tried to introduce myself earlier but I don't think you were home T_T Anyway I promise to be the best neighbor you've ever had! Have a wonderful night!!!
~Hope :)

    "Jesus," muttered Yoongi, cringing at how positive his new neighbor was. "This guy must be on crack."

    Whatever. Yoongi didn't have the time or the energy to deal with the fact that a drug addict was probably living on the other side of his wall. Chinese food was waiting for him.

    Yoongi took off his shoes in the doorway and immediately started stripping. He turned the shower faucet up to the hottest it could go (amazingly it didn't fall off the wall today) and got in.

    Ahhh, he thought happily. That's better.

    "Ooh baby when you tAlk likE that," Yoongi began to passionately sing, "You make a wOmAn go maaad." He squeezed the last of his coconut shampoo into his palm (god, he really was broke) and began to massage it into his hair. "So be wise, and keep on, reading the signs of my booOoOdy-"


    Yoongi froze. That was definitely not him singing Wyclef Jean's part.

    "Uhh, hello?" Yoongi asked his (hopefully) empty bathroom.

Oh my god it's the crackhead.

    "Hey there!" the loud voice replied cheerfully. "You're a really good singer!" he laughed. The sound was kind of obnoxious, in an almost endearing way.

    "Uh, yeah, thanks," Yoongi muttered. He knew that he'd gotten what he paid for when he bought this apartment but he sure as hell didn't think the walls would be thin enough to sing a shower duet with some random guy next door.

    "You're the new guy, right?" Yoongi asked. "The one who left the letter?"

    "That's me!" he (Hope?) replied happily. "Do you sing in the shower everyday?"

    Yoongi groaned internally. This was so fucking embarrassing.

    "Yeah... well, I'd better be going," Yoongi mumbled to his new neighbor, turning the shower off. "Things to be, places to do. Wait, no-"

    Hope laughed again. Yoongi would never admit it but he was starting to like the sound.

    "Okay, well sorry if I scared you! Maybe tomorrow we can get some Cardi up in this bitch!" He laughed again. Loudly.


    Yoongi wrapped himself in a towel as fast as humanly possible and dipped.

    Later when he ate his Chinese food it didn't taste quite right. Hope's laugh was still ringing in his ears.

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