2. Revelations (part 2)

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Nathan walked out of the pub, his arm still slung round Simon's shoulders, "Do you think anyone's throwing any house parties round here, or should we just find a club?"

"There was a house party on my way here." Simon suggested, he had considered going in but that wasn't the sort of crowd he was looking to stay around while he was alone.

"Lead the way!" Nathan cried, pointing nowhere in particular. Simon led him down one of the back alleys he took on the way over and Nathan noted it was the same one he and his Dad had walked down after parking. Hopefully his Dad has already gone so he wouldn't have to see him again.

That's when they heard a commotion coming from further down the alley. They crept closer, not wanting to draw attention to themselves, Nathan's arm had slid off of Simon's shoulders at this point. They soon realised that it was a fight, three against one it looked like. Nathan was about to tell Simon that they should find another way but then he realised something that made him freeze in place. It wasn't just some random person being beaten up... it was his father.

Nathan was spurred into action when he watched two of them pin his Dad to the wall as the other pulled a lengthy knife from his jacket. He may not have liked his father but there was no way he was letting him get stabbed. "Hey you! Ugly looking fella holding his mum's kitchen knife!" He yelled at them, drawing attention away from his Dad, "Yeah, I'm talking to you!"

"What d'ya want?" The one with the knife yelled, his voice low and gravelly.

"What are you doing with that big old knife there, pal?" Nathan asked, attempting to pull their attention away long enough for his Dad to get away. It wasn't working, however, as two of them still had a firm grip on him.

"I was gonna shank 'im, wasn't I? Until you started mouthin' off." He sneered, "Piss off, or I'll shank you an' all."

"How about nobody stabs anybody." Simon offered.

"Great idea, and we all go home stab free and happy, yeah?" Nathan added.

"You and your boyfriend better fuck off or we'll fuckin' kill ya." One of the men holding his dad spoke up.

"He's not... we're not... I don't... oh whatever, just let my Dad go and we can all go our separate ways." Nathan stumbled over his words, he'd never done that before.

"Oh, 'e's your Daddy, is 'e?" The one with the knife laughed.

"No, he's my father, and as much of a dick as he is, I do prefer him without a knife through his side."

"Nathan, just go." Mike managed to hiss.

"Yeah, just go. Do as daddy says." The three of them laughed.

"Look, I don't wanna have to fight, all I'm asking is that you let him go. Go stab some other freakishly short bloke."

"I think we need to teach 'im a lesson." The other one holding Mike grinned.

"This'll do it." The one with the knife chuckled, preparing to lunge forwards. Nathan's eyes widened a fraction and as though it were slow motion, launched himself in front of the incoming knife and it slid right through his middle and even reached the other side. Everyone stood in shock for a moment, not knowing what to do. The thugs didn't mean to kill anyone and so, in a panic, they fled the scene.

Nathan looked down at the blade lodged in his abdomen, "bollocks." He muttered, he pulled the knife out to quicken the inevitable before falling backwards into his dad, who gently laid him down in his arms so he could apply pressure to the wound but by the looks of it, he'd severed one of his main blood vessels.

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