Taehyung tried to push the man away by pressing his hands on the hard chest but nothing he wasn't strong enough to push this man away.

The man moved away letting Taehyung breathe he let go of taehyungs hair and got up from the bed Taehyung was breathless the boy was too focused on trying to breathe properly he did not notice the man taking off his own shirt.

The man took a hold of taehyungs ankle and pulled the boy flush on the bed.

And climb on top of him before he could pull back.

He took a hold of taehyungs hands and place them above his head and using his belt he ties taehyungs hands.

Taehyungs mind was going places and he couldn't stop the tears.

All he could do was hope for someone to come in and save him.

But all the hopes were watered down when he felt the cold wind coming from the barely opened window hit his chest.

The man's hands were everywhere on the boy's chest making him sick to his stomach.

More tears were escaping from taehyungs eyes that were filled with fear and a little bit of hope that the man would stop but that hope was tarnished when his pants were thrown on the floor.

The man got up from Taehyung and took off his own pants.

He took Taehyung by the arm and turned the boy over on his stomach taehyungs face was pushed into the pillow because what happened next was too quick for the boys' mind to register all he could feel was his body being torn in half as the pain reached his mind he let out the loudest scream but soon his screams were muffled as his face was pushed back into the pillow he could barely breathe and soon white spots appeared in front of his eyes

Taehyungs mind started to dissociate from his body trying to numb the pain he was being put through and soon enough his tearful eyes shut and he was met with darkness once again.

END ⚠️⚠️⚠️

"Where is he!" A loud voice boomed through the phone.

"Jimin please calm down" Namjoon tried to reason but this situation had hit Jimin a little too much.

"He was going to your place but his car hasn't moved!" Jimin yelled again.

"Please Jimin please.." namjoons voice was filled with pain as he tried to calm the boy down.

"I'm coming over and the others too, "Namjoon said and hung up he didn't want to hear Jimin yell at him again.

A knock was heard on the door and Jimin got up to open it, his eyes were red as he had been crying.

Jin ran up to the boy and hugged him and they both broke down crying.

The others walked in with sad faces and they all sat down in the living room.

"It's been hours since he had been missing," Yoongi said as he was playing with hoseoks fingers.

Jungkook was hiding his face in namjoons arm as he was crying silently afraid of what Might have happened to his beloved hyung.

"Let's call the police," Jin said they had been waiting and nothing no one had been contacted by Taehyung.

"Don't need to" Namjoon replied everyone's eyes turned to him.

"I already have a P.I. on the case along with our most trusted and best police mans" everyone sighed in relief.

"Please be ok Taehyung" Hoseok mumbled

"I know I shouldn't think this way but" Jin spoke everyone looked at him but he was staring at the ground he looked deep in thoughts.

"Yesterday Layla came to my workplace" Namjoon arched a brow.

"What do you mean?!" Jungkook tightened his hold on namjoons arm in a way to ask him to listen.

"She said we should all leave you or something really bad would happen, I didn't take her seriously but seeing the situation in hand it can't be just a coincidence," Jin said as he looked at Namjoon.

"I do not mean to assume but what else can I do," he said.

"Let's see" Namjoon replies and kisses jungkooks forehead.

At midnight was when namjoons phone rang and that woke up everyone.

They were still in the living room in taehyungs And jimins apartment.

"Hello," Namjoon said and soon his face became serious.

" Really!" He yelled as he got up from his seat.

"Ok thank you" and he hung up.

"My P.I.  found Taehyung" everyone instantly got up from their seats.

"His bringing him here"

Everyone sighed in relief.

Soon a knock was heard and Jimin dashed toward the door there was stood a man that was holding Taehyung in his arms.

The boy was unconscious.

"Thank you," Jimin said to the man holding Taehyung.

"Where's the bedroom?" Namjoons P.I. asked Jimin led him to taehyungs rooms And the man laid the boy on the bed.

He walked back into the living room and gave a file to Namjoon.

"He was found unconscious in an alley his body is covered with marks it seems he was" Namjoon cut off his P.I.  not wanting to hear.

Jimin fell on the sofa and started to cry loudly.
Jin tried to console the boy but he himself couldn't stop his tears.

"You can leave," Namjoon told his P.I.  who nodded and left.

Namjoon was silent he was shocked by the information all he heard was his lovers' cries.

"I'll kill that motherfucker" Yoongi said as he punched the table. 

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