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Lapis must have forgotten closing the curtain again...
Squinting eyes.
Whose arms are these?...
What is this?
Peridot slowly woke up from her sleep with the feel of the terrible headache, and somebody's skin. Somebody's arms were placed across her body. And her body was... half undressed? Where's my hoodie?...
She fully opened her eyes as she recognized there were more than 2 arms and 2 legs on the bed. And that wasn't even her bed.
She glanced to her side and saw Lapis.
"WHAT THE FUCK????" Peridot jumped, freaked out and fell out of the bed. The loud thud woke the bluenette up, holding her head. She startled, widely opened her eyes.
The two girls staring at each other in a second.
*eternal screams*
"PERIDOT??? What is happening? Why am I...? Why are YOU??" Lapis glanced up and down Peridot's torso, then blushed hard and turned speechless. Peridot, with the same reactions, panickingly pick up a random sweater on the floor, covered herself from the awkward burning stares. She did realize Lapis was fully naked. She blushed even harder and mad at herself when she realized the ...
Lapis gripped the blanket.
Feelings and thoughts banged against her head. Peridot felt angry tears in the corner of her eyes, found out that Lapis couldn't even explain why, and how that happened, just sat there on her bed and holding a blanket.
"Why did I get myself into this??"
She squeezed it out to set free her frustrations, but it only got worse when she saw Lapis stood up and walked next to her, about to reach her hands to Peridot.
"DON'T YOU DARE APPROACH ME!!!!" The blonde slapped her hands.
"Peridot, I... it must be the alcohol I..."
Peridot rushed herself to the bathroom, slammed the door, and cried. She couldn't even explain what emotions were overwhelming her at this point.
"Peridot I..."

Lapis collapsed on her trembling legs, and there went the tears. She walked around to pick up the clothes.
She didn't know what happened. Shit happened in all of the sudden and who the hell knew what she did that night...

She knew she had something around Peridot, but she never attended to let this happen, seeing how pure, and secure Peridot is.

"Peridot...?" Lapis knocked on the bathroom door, found it was locked. "Open the door..."
"Go away. Don't talk to me." breaking voice from behind the door. "Leave me."

"I'm sorry..."
"I'm sorry. For whatever I could have possibly done to you, or not. Just don't be this way. I don't know what to say. I can't remember anything. But it's no big deal, we can solve this.
Just open the door..."
Lapis heard a slight unlocking door sounds. She felt the grip was available, and twisted it. Peridot was sitting on the floor, her knees up to her forehead, her face hidden in her arms, her visor on the sink. Her short hair was messy, with sweats and tears. She peaked up a bit, showing her soggy eyes, ready to dry drowned Lapis with tears of guilt.
"Does this look like it's no big deal?? Can you solve what I've been through?????"
She had her clothes on, neglected. Lapis approached the sad Dorito sack. Peridot's body was shaking, she quietly sobbed in her arms.

At this point, Lapis would usually yell back at her opponent because of their stupid, unpredictable and unexplainable reactions against a shit that she had no idea.

Lapis sat next to her, and ran her arms across the shaky shoulders, and rested it on the other side of her body.
"I'm sorry bud. I don't know how I let that happen. It must be because of the alcohol."
"Get your touch stumps off me you peb..."
"Peridot just listen to me. I know you're mad at me, for some reason I don't know. If I had known how hurtful you could be...
I would have stopped myself. But once again, I got carried away. I'm truly sorry for hurting you in such a way.

Just want to let you know that I never mean to hurt you."
Peridot held her head up, looking at Lapis with the watery red eyes. Her nose were red too. She sniffled like a puppy. Lapis handed her a towel.
"I don't really care about who did this okay?? I just shocked, freaked out, and unconsciously mad at you, and myself for being such an insecure clod. Usually I could prevent myself from these shits... but now, I got MYSELF into that same shits. And my mind, my emotions were crazily mixed up, a hot mess of anger and frustrated, and shock, and scare.

And then there was you, without a single piece of cloth on your body, with your arms around my torso. Who is more likely for me to put my feelings on?" Lapis could even feel the dark blush color of her cheeks through her voice.

"It was part of your fault, and part of my mistake. We both uh... you know... this whole problematic situation. And I'm sorry too, cause it's also my fault, and I shouldn't mad at you for no reason."

"Just don't be this way okay?..."

Peridot squeezed out few more tears as she snuggled into Lapis's hugged. Her sober stopped, but her body still twitching. Lapis gently pat on her back, ran her fingers in her hair. From all the experience last night, it gave Peridot chills, but she accepted it, as she was too tired to be okay on her own.
She trusted Lapis.
"I'm here."
"Why aren't you mad at me?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... I seriously threw my temper tantrums on you not for a specific reasons. Moreover, I blamed you at the first place, and insulted you.
How can you just so... calm?"
"This is your first time?"
They looked at each others. Lapis sent a comforting smile.
"Yeah..." whispered Peridot somewhere in Lapis's arms.

"It came to me all the time..."
"What do you mean?..."

Lapis faced the roof, smiled, and placed her index finger on her lips.


"I'mma go buy some donuts."
"In my hoodie? Over my dead body. It seemed oversized to you, and no way I let you touch my clothes."
"But it smells damn good Peri, just like my bed~~"
"LAPIS LAZULIIIIIII!!!!!!" screamed Peridot, as Lapis closed the door and snorted, before Peridot could smashed her.

Jeez sorry for the internally long hiatus. I've been through some really intense months. I have lots of exam and in my country 15-year-old students have to take their high school entrance test so... I've just finish my final subject this morning and OOF
These are the draft I wrote 2 months ago so try ta enjoy it sorry still a bit tired::::)

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