Ch. 57: Killing Innocence

Start from the beginning

I head toward the door that has closed itself and pull it open. A blinding white light causes me to close my eyes against the glare. When I open them again I find myself in the middle of the woods. I turn in a full circle, confused. Why am I here? Is this part of the next trial?

I breathe in the deep scent of the forest, the leaves, soil, air. This is apart of the Pack grounds. The woods that lead toward the lake. I blanch. I know what my next trial is going to be. It's going to be the hardest one yet. I head toward the direction of the lake, kicking through the underbrush and stubbing my toes on rocks and roots that stick out of the uneven terrain.

Time in this place seems to have no meaning. All concept of time and space is distorted making it hard to tell how much time has past in the real world. Has it been hours? Days? Minutes? Seconds? Diving into the pit was obviously a trap, but I had no other choice. Was it because Nyx thought that I couldn't succeed? Or is it because it takes so long to escape from here that she can do whatever she wants while I'm out of the way? I shake my head; it's not as if I have enough power to stop her by myself anyway.

Ahead, the trees begin to thin and I can see a thin strip of sand. I've arrived at the lake. I wander along the shore, looking for a specific place. I travel for about half a mile until I come to a secluded stretch of beach. I blink and suddenly it's night time. Tiki torches light the secluded space. The light from the flames dances on the water. My heart does a flip in my chest. It's exactly like that night all those years ago.

"God, has it really been three years?" It feels like an eternity ago, and sometimes it feels like yesterday.

"It's hard to believe, isn't it?" Alex says.

His husky voice causes shivers to tingle down my spine. It's the same, kind voice that I miss hearing. It's nothing like when he is with Kayla or when Nyx is inside of him. It's really Alex. I turn, not breathing to face him. Even in the light of the flames, his hair shines gold, ruffled in the light breeze. His eyes are a clear blue, not clouded with confusion or hatred. So this is how I see Alex? Even after everything we've been through I can only see him as perfect. I know he has his flaws, but I love him regardless.

Alex steps forward and grabs my wrist, dragging me toward the blanket that is spread out over the sand. The picnic basket exactly the same as the one from that time. A heavy sense of nostalgia flows through me. As we settle down onto the ground I remember how happy I was that night. If only I had appreciated what I had back then, rather than wishing for more. I should have been satisfied and enjoyed that moment more.

"Nico?" Alex says, smiling with his eyebrows scrunched together. "Are you okay?"

I look down at my hands that have somehow been cleaned of the blood. But just like Lady Macbeth, I can still see the filth that stains my flesh. Even after everything that I've done in these trials, and what I'm about to do, I still want to enjoy this moment. Is it wrong?

"I'm fine, I-I've just had a rough day." I grab the sandwich that he hands me.

The bread has been toasted to perfection and stuffed with delicious ingredients. Lettuce, meat, pickles, no tomatoes. Just as I like it. Somehow he knew what I liked even though I didn't tell him. He remembered my tastes even after years. How did I not realize this three years ago? Doesn't this prove that he remembered and was thinking of me?

"You've had a rough day? Do you want to talk about it?" Alex scoots closer, a concerned look on his face. "I'll hear you out if you want."

I give a wry smile and stare at the sandwich. "I'd rather not ruin this moment with my troubles."

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