Lost Cause (different ending)

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"H-Hey it's me uhm" He gulped "C-Can you come h-home, I'm sorry I-I'm ruining your meeting but it h-hurts" He hung up, he thought about texting him too but wasn't sure if he had the strength. Frank had finished his meeting actually. Gerard had taken so long to get to the end of the hall that Franks 2 hour meeting was over and right now he was on the subway coming home. But Gerard didn't know that and Frank didn't really have good service. 

Gerard went to message Frank, he clicked on the voice message "Frank-Frankie please, I-I need you" He choked out as another sharp pain radiated up his body going right through his rib cage. He left many more begging Frank to come home to help him. The pain was bringing back horrible memories for him. 

He could see the car rolling towards him quickly, he felt so weak. Gerard kept pulling himself towards the kitchen, he was army crawling along the ground. He could use the bench to pull himself up and have a stable surface. "Frankie please" He cried to himself when he saw the kitchen floor. The cold tiles helped sooth the burns on hims arms and legs. 

Gerard was panting by the time he got to the corner in the kitchen, it was the best spot to pull himself up there was support on both sides. He reached up and gripped onto the counter so tight that his knuckles were going white, his other arm doing the same. Gerard used all the strength that he had left to pull himself up, his body screaming up him to stop but he didn't want too. He moved his arm to reach for something that was further away to see if that would help.

He felt something cold and thought that it was attached to the counter but it wasn't, it was a plate and Gerard realized when he felt his arm pull back towards him, the plate crashing to the floor smashing into tiny little pieces. His whole body gave up and all the strength that he had holding onto the counter with one hand disappeared and he too came crashing to the ground. He sat there curling up into a ball, tears streaming down his face. 

Frank had no clue what was going on, he was currently sitting on the subway happily. He couldn't wait to get home though and see Gerard and tell him about his day and how it went. He did find it odd that Gerard hadn't messaged, he did think about it being the service but he also had hopes that Gerard was happily doing something like reading or work. That thought let him relax and in no time he got off at his stop. Starting the short walk back to the apartment. 

He couldn't wait to get home and wrap his arms around Gerard, he found out that Gerard is still a cuddly man and boy did he love that. Him and Gerard would cuddle on the couch watching supernatural or some horror movie. Of course they would watch Marvel and DC movies too which Gerard would love. His phone started violently shaking from the amount of missed calls and messages from Gerard. He was getting them now since he had service. His heart rate sped up as panic started filling his body, his eyes widening when he listened to the messages 'Frank-Frankie please, I-I need you'

His smiled dropped, his feet moving quickly. He wasn't paying attention to anything around him, his main focus was to get back quickly. "Move out the fucken way" He huffed and shoved people ignoring their complaints. Frank ran back as fast as he could, his legs carrying him into the elevator before the doors closed, he spammed the 10th floor button quickly "Come on" He grumbled pushing it faster. "That won't make it go faster dear" This little old lady commented.

"I didn't ask for your opinion lady." Frank snapped and got off when it stopped. "Well fuck you too then." The lady huffed and closed the doors. Frank ran down the hall trying to get his keys out of his pocket quickly "Stupid fucking jeans" He jammed the keys into the door unlocking it with speed. "Gerard? Gerard where are you" 

"I'm h-here" He heard a tiny voice coming from the kitchen his heart breaking when he saw Gerard. What a sight he came back too, Gerard was on the floor curled up crying, a broken plate was on the floor near him. "Gee" Frank dropped to the floor and pulled him into his lap, his body shaking "It hurts Frankie" He cried when Frank moved him "It hurts!" Frank stopped moving Gerard and waited before slowly pulling him into his lap. "I've got you Geebear, don't worry"  

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