Y/N: That is not true.

Tae: It so is! You jumped away when he barked at you!

Y/N: He surprised me! And I don't like dogs

JK: You seamed to love Moni. He listens to you more than to Namjoon and you let Holly sleep next to you.

Tae: Hah see! Stop lying!

Y/N: Okay okay... it's not that I don't like dogs, I dislike small dogs. They disturb me. I like Yeontan now but small dogs, in general, are just...strange.

A: You're strange.

Y/N: You wrote me that way.

A: And you barged in without knocking, plus it's not your turn yet.

Y/N: Psh relax I just came for some water.

A: well now you can leave.

Y/N: Yeah see you later.

V: bye lier!

JK: Bye Y/N!

A: Now can we get back on track...Jungkook here is a question for you.


MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

JK: I see her as a friend, she helped us a lot and I want to help her back if I ever get a chance. She was always nice to me and she allows me to ride her bike whenever I like 😊

V: waitisn't the bike Jacks?

JK: For real?

V: Yeah

JK: Shit, he's gonna kill me

A: He probably will, but you can save yourself if you clean it up for him.

JK: that's not a bad idea, I'll go do that right now.

V: I'll help!



MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

Suga: Well I don't know to be honest, but I wouldn't call here a friend yet maybe a good acquaintance.

J-Hope: oh come on, she saved us!

Suga: True okay she's a friend I guess. She is nice and all so


MidnightFury3132 How do u see Y/N? What is she like to u?

J-Hope: She a great friend to me. She's really helpful. She and her friends are really helpful now that I'm recovering from that fall. Nadia even got me a great doctor, but Y/N and especially Jack are the best cause they keep driving me around.

Suga: they really are nice, it's great that they help you recover really quickly.

bbbletae- Did your nerves end up broken/cut/torn?

J-Hope: I'm not sure, to be honest. I can feel my legs so I guess they aren't too damaged, but I don't know for sure. I can't really follow the doctors' fancy medical talk haha

Suga: Yeah they love to make us feel stupid, but Nadia said you're gonna be fine with time.

J-Hope: Aha she said she'll get me some expert from Europe or something

bbbletae- Are you able to dance again, walk again, if not, when do they expect you too?

J-Hope: *does a worm with his hands* I can dance up here no problem, haha, but now I can't walk yet. Nadia said it could take a year or more, but it all depends on the outcome of my European treatment, maybe an operation

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