✩ just friends

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You watched him sing "If I Could Fly" softly, admiring every single feature on him. You tried to push away those feelings you had for Harry as he looked over to you, giving you a small smile, continuing to sing "If I Could Fly".

Blush started to rose up to your cheeks as he held long eye contact with you. You couldn't help but giggle, making a silly face to him which ended up in him chuckling and making the same silly face back.

"You're so silly," Harry laughed, taking a sip of water from his water bottle.

"You are," You say, walking over to him then ruffling with his hair a bit.

"Mm, that feels good," He moaned, closing his eyes and enjoying you play with his hair.

You smiled, continuing to ruffle with his hair.

You soon stopped and sat next to him, laying your head on his shoulder as he put his right arm over you. You yawned, feeling a bit tired from the quietness and peace in the room. That was until two goofballs entered the room.

"Woah! What's going on here, lads?" Louis and Niall teased, looking at you and Harry.

"Nothing," You yawned again, feeling your eyelids becoming heavy.

"Are you tired? I can carry you to the bedroom so you can nap," Harry whispered in your ear.

"No, I'm fine," You said, ignoring the tiredness in your body as you stood up, stretching.

"Did y'all want to order room service and then watch a movie?" Niall questioned, holding a bag of chips in his hand.

"Yeah that's fine with me," You and Harry answered in unusual.

"Wow, that was weird," Louis chuckled, walking over to the telephone.


"Give me the remote!" Niall shouted as he and Louis fought over the remote to pick a movie out.

"Guys! Chill," You yelled after getting fed up of them wresting for almost a whole five minutes now.

"I'll pick the movie, dammit," Harry groaned, snatching the remote from the two, then putting on The Notebook.

"We always watch this," Louis and Niall whined like little babies.

"Stop whining or I'm kicking you two out," Harry warned sternly, picking up a piece of pizza and stuffing it into his mouth. Although you have watched this movie a thousand times, due to Harry always picking it for your movie nights, you didn't mind because you've gotten used to it.

You stifled a giggle as you watched the two settling down, then watching the movie, "What's so funny, Y/N?"

"Nothing, you two are just too funny," You laughed, picking up a candy bag and eating it.


"Shh guys, you're gonna wake her up!" Harry whispered shouted to you're suspecting, Louis and Niall.

"Sorry, sorry," They apologized.

Soon enough you felt Harry's two arms picking you up bridal style and walking to the bedroom before putting you down gently, then pulling the covers over you.

"Goodnight," You heard him say against your forehead as he placed a small kiss there.

"Y'all literally act like a couple," Louis said, Niall agreeing along with a "mhm".

Harry left the door open a bit so you could hear everything they were saying, considering the fact that you were half awake a bit right now.

"We do not. We're just friends," Harry chuckled.

"Sure, I see the way y'all two look at each other," Niall butted in.

"No. We're just friends, I promise you," Harry reassured them one more time.

"Okay, whatever you say. I see the way she acts around you though," They said, you could definitely see the smirk plastered on their faces.

"What do you mean? She acts normal around me and everyone else," Harry laughed, you could feel him shaking his head and looking down.

"Then I guess you're not paying attention enough. She most definitely likes you, mate," Louis said.

You never told anyone that you like Harry, not even your own mother! Is it that obvious that you like Harry? No, it can't be. You act normal around Harry just like how you would act around everyone else, right? Maybe they're just that good at observing? No, it most definitely can't be! It's Louis and Niall we're talking here, come on now.

"She doesn't like me, lads. I know Y/N, and I know she doesn't like me. We're just friends, plus, even if she did like me, that would be awkward because I don't even feel the same way about her," Harry said, shrugging as if what he said didn't even matter.

It mattered a lot to you though. You knew that there was a high chance of Harry not feeling the same about you, but you thought that deep down he would AT LEAST feel something. You guess not. You turned to your side, closing your eyes as you tried blocking out their voices, just wanting to get your sleep along with your broken heart.

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