Chapter 30

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They called it an early evening as the sky was threatening rain. Kyoya wasn't entirely disappointed; he rather felt like he had done Haruhi a disservice. The day after your first night together should be spent holding, cuddling; not necessarily making love again (although he wouldn't have objected to that), but just being together, strengthening the bond lovemaking had left in its wake. Not trying to take over a company, packing off your best friend then trooping half way across Paris with four rivals. The problem was those four wanted to join them this evening.

Kyoya tried to distract them. "You don't have to stay in with us," he offered. "I know those models invited you to at least two or three fashion-show after-parties tonight."

"Something quieter," said Mori.

"A show maybe? Or a movie?" Kyoya suggested.

"Good idea!" said Hikaru. "Haruhi can make popcorn and we can watch the movie channel again."

"Why do I have to make the popcorn?" Haruhi said.

"You really want us to make the popcorn?" Honey said.

Visions of carbon-black kernels danced in her head. "Yeah OK," she said. "But we'll have to find a market."

This was not what Kyoya had planned. He began to appreciate how so many of Tamaki's plans all turned into three ring circuses. The key difference being that Tamaki enjoyed the circus. "We should watch it in the twins' suite, since they have the largest room." If they ensconced themselves in Haruhi's room, he definitely wouldn't get any alone time with her.

They located a store with microwave popcorn then headed back. Everyone went to their rooms to drop off their stuff and change into something comfortable; the wind was picking up making the odds of their going back out decreasingly slim.

Haruhi wandered into Kyoya's room to find him staring at his computer screen looking, well, put out was the only phrase that came to mind. "You're not upset about this morning..." She misunderstood the source, but that was probably to the good.

"I had plans," he said. "They didn't work."

"You made enough money to put every one of us through college."

If we divided it evenly. A sly smile played at the corner of his mouth. She had no idea what her share amounted to. He could pad it out of his own and she'd never know. Tamaki would, the banker's son would. Would he tell her?

"You see? I'm right," she said, thinking she'd won the argument. She sauntered over to the bed, her misplaced smugness evident, when a flash of lightning rent the air so bright and loud that even Kyoya startled. She spun to face the window, caught the corner of the bed, tripped and ended up on the floor beside it. Kyoya wasn't even aware he threw the computer across the bed until he found himself kneeling beside her. As she bit her lip to keep herself from making any noises and Kyoya wrapped her in his arms to stop her shaking, the twins came running into Haruhi's room.

"Haruhi!" Hikaru shouted.

"Haruhi!" Kaoru echoed a second behind.

They looked around and didn't see her. "You check the closet, I'll get the bathroom."

"In here," Kyoya called out.

They ran to the door that connected the two rooms.

"Why are you guys on the floor?"

Kyoya looked up. "The shadow from the bed hides the windows." It wasn't quite why they were there, but it was why they would remain there. Another flash of lightning, distant but still bright, reinforced his assertion.

At what price,love?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant