Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A/N: This chapter is kind of short, as is the next one. But I think they work better as two separate chapters than one long one.As always, I welcome comments. I don't own the Host Club, it's characters or situations. Etc., Etc.


Yoshio Ootori walked into his house, his wife a half step behind. He shrugged off his coat and handed it to the waiting butler. "Welcome home sir," the butler said bowing.

Kyoya's father made an acknowledging noise. "Anything of interest happen while we were gone?"

"Possibly sir," said the butler. "Master Kyoya has a new girlfriend."


"A Miss Haruhi Fujioka, sir."

"Fujioka? I thought she was practically engaged to the Suoh heir."

"That has apparently ended, sir."

"Has this affected Kyoya's friendship with the Suoh boy?"

"It appears not, sir. They were all over here the other night having dinner around the kotatsu."

"The Suoh boy is still fascinated with that thing?" Kyoya's mother shook her head.

"Who are 'they all?' " Yoshio returned his attention to the butler.

"The Suoh heir, the Haninozuka heir, the eldest Morinozuka boy, the Hitachiin brothers and Miss Fujioka. While the young lady and Mr. Suoh sat as far from each other as possible and exchanged nothing beyond superficial pleasantries, there did not seem to be any undue tension. There's a preliminary file on Miss Fujioka on your desk in the study. Security would like to know if you want them to complete the investigation or drop it."

"Complete it."

"Very good sir."

As the Ootoris headed down the hall towards the study, Mrs. Ootori said "Fujioka. I don't recognize the name. What company are they affiliated with?"

"None," said Mr. Ootori. "She's a commoner."

"Commoner? Where would Kyoya come in contact with one of those?"

"She has the academic scholarship to Ouran."

"I thought that child was thrown out after it failed to make grades against either Kyoya or Tamaki Suoh."

"Yes, that one was expelled. Miss Fujioka has the scholarship for the year behind Kyoya. And impressively, she has managed to hold the top spot in her class for two full years."

Mrs. Ootori made a derisive noise indicating she was less than impressed with the students behind Kyoya that could allow a commoner to beat them. "You must tell him to end the relationship."

"That might be awkward," Yoshio said, "since only a year ago I told him to consider her for his bride if he could get her."

"But she brings nothing! You must think of the Ootori Group."

"I am thinking of the Ootori Group. In the event it has escaped your notice, our third son is brilliant. Far more so than his older brothers. If he were to marry an heiress, a girl with her own company, Kyoya would take over management. Where then would his loyalties lie? With the family that gave him everything or with the family to tried to deny him everything? Because if Kyoya ever faces his brothers across a hostile conference table, I can tell you who will walk out of that room the winner. And Kyoya is still in high school when I say that.

"It is far less dangerous for Kyoya to marry a girl with little and remain in the Ootori Group."

His mother did not look convinced. "Hm. I will read the file when you're done with it." And that she left the room.

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