Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Class president Kazukiyo sat in the library trying to read for his literature class. But it was hard with gossip all around him. Two of the star athletes lounged right next to him speculating in unflattering manner.

"So one of those Host Club guys is really a girl, huh?"

The other one sniggered. "Yeah, their own private hostess for two years. If I'd known those were the perks, maybe I would've joined that club."

It really bothered him. Haruhi had been a good friend; Kazukiyo'd always felt a little like a geek or an outcast but he – that is she – had consistently been friendly. She helped him through that scary Halloween episode, she helped him learn to ski, God knows she protected him from the Hitachiin brothers, she'd even helped him get his girlfriend. He kind of felt he owed her. Mind you, he wasn't about to go take on two of the school star athletes. But one thing he had figured out: brains and subtlety were very effective tools. He casually lean towards them. "You guys do know that Haninozuka regards her as his little sister right? I mean, he hears you talking like that, he'll kill you. I mean like - actually kill you. And given that Kasanoda is one of her close friends as well, they'll never find the bodies." He casually turned the page of his book, then looked up like a thought just occurred to him. "Although given that, none of the others probably got to touch her either." He went back to his reading. The two athletes abruptly ended the conversation. Kazukiyo allowed himself is satisfied smile.

They eyed him skeptically. "You back off because of Haninozuka too?"

"Nah," he said "Hikaru Hitachiin would beat the shit out of me long before I ever got to that point." Kazukiyo wasn't sure how he knew that, but he suddenly, absolutely did. Probably that ski trip when they did all that mad room switching at the last minute to put Hikaru and Haruhi together.


"Yeah, he's got a temper."


The conversation bothered Kazukiyo quite a bit. Those guys were not the fastest turtles in the herd. If they thought that about Haruhi, others did too. But Fujioka just didn't strike him as the kind of girl who would sleep with six guys. Even if she had been a boy, he didn't think he (she?) was the type to sleep with six people at the same time. And while the Hitachiin twins were definite class 1A troublemakers, he never pegged them for the type who might coerce a girl into sex. On the other hand, what did he know? He'd known Fujioka for two years and hadn't realized "he" was a girl. And admittedly, Kazukiyo didn't know the older Host Club members that well. Maybe the older boys led and the younger ones went along with it? But no. He was back to Fujioka was a nice person. It just didn't fit.

Kazukiyo wondered if he should warn the Host Club about the rumors. He really didn't want them thinking HE believed it. And they weren't stupid. They had to know. So he decided not to say anything to them. He'd just keep doing what he had been doing: slowing the rumors when he heard them and leaving it at that.

Tamaki had an uncanny ability to manipulate the people around him. He had cleared Music Room 3 of guests spot on the end of the session and somehow made them all feel as though leaving when they'd much rather linger was an act of selfless love. The Hosts all made fun of Tamaki's exaggerated mannerisms, but there was a reason he was king of the host club. The second the door closed behind the last guest, Tamaki turned to Haruhi. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She wasn't sure if she was lying or not.

"You don't look fine." Which was an ironic statement really, because the girls who had dragged her off had indeed put her in a dress, French braided her hair into an elegant roll, done her makeup. Haruhi had never looked so feminine. Beautiful, in fact. But the beauty was a façade. She looked worn, like she was nearing the end. "Why don't you skip the rest of clean up. We'll get you some dinner. I mean, not me of course..."

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