Chapter 7

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Mori scanned Music Room 3 as he dropped his book bag off the next morning. Haruhi wasn't there. He didn't really think she would be. Tamaki was absent also. Again, no surprise. Kyoya was standing at the window staring out. His back was tense and his posture unnaturally still. Honey looked up at him out of big blue eyes. "Takashi, did you take Haruhi out last night?"

"Just coffee before I dropped her off at home." His eyes drifted from Honey to Kyoya. "May I ask how you know?"

"I have a security detail on her," Kyoya answered quietly.

"Then they should be fired," Mori equally quietly and equally coldly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a kendo club meeting to get to."

"Takashi," Honey called out as his cousin turn to leave. "Did something happen last night?"

"No." But the way Mori said it, it was an accusation.


Mori was too centered a martial artist to take out his irritation on his sparring partner. But that didn't mean he had to go easy on him. Partially for that reason, he selected Kasanoda as his partner that morning. Ritsu would neither expect nor appreciate special treatment. That had been one of the conditions in taking him as an apprentice; in order to control the energy you release to the world, you must first control the energy within.

At the end of the grueling session, Kasanoda knelt on the mat, assumed a more formal demeanor and lay his bukuto before him. "Sensei, I need you guidance."

Mori nodded giving him permission to continue.

"I have done as Ootori-senpai has asked and revealed Fujioka-san's gender, but now I am receiving questions and I do not know how you want them answered."

Mori raised an eyebrow. Ootori-senpai? "Since I was not present when he spoke to you, you will have to enlighten me that I may better answer your questions."

Kasanoda nodded sharply. "I have been aware for some time that Fujioka-san was forced to conceal her gender due to ... circumstances. Because I felt I owed her a debt, I investigated to see if I could help. I came to realize that her identity was assumed, created by a professional organization, probably witness protection."

"What makes you say that?"

"Her identity is too clean. She has made nothing but highest marks her entire academic career. She has never been in trouble. Not even a detention. Nobody is that clean. Her father's personality and dress preference vary wildly, indicating he is not entirely comfortable with certain aspects of his identity. Her mother's illness set on very suddenly meaning under the circumstances, it was more than likely a hit. Without family connections or wealth, she gained admittance to Ouran; which makes sense when you consider that the children of the extremely wealthy and powerful attend. The security at the school is tighter than many heads of state have. I am also aware that the Morinazuka family owns the company that provides security at Ouran, and that many of the guards here were trained by the Haninozuka. Which means she was placed in the Host Club not by accident or by losing a bet but to keep her in close proximity to yourself and Honey-Senpai."

Completely logical and completely wrong. "Hm. I must ask you to keep your analysis to yourself."

"Of course, sensei. Ootori-senpai has said that I should lay the blame for the deception on himself and the Host Club and this I have done. But there are still those who cast aspersions on Fujioka-san's character. How should I address this?"

Preferably by beating the crap out of Ootori-san, Mori thought. That bastard had played them all. And Mori had practically gift wrapped Haruhi for him. The others had all stood back when Kyoya made a play for her because of Mori's analysis. Her identity hadn't "leaked out," it had been deliberately released. By Ootori. Who could now date her openly, something Tamaki could never do.

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