LXX. Don't be so Soft

Start from the beginning

"And yet you're here." I huff.

"And so are you," Damon smirks. I roll my eyes looking around. Elena chuckles, turning around and looking over to us.

"Don't act like you two aren't happy to be here with each other, You know you are." She laughs, her face falls when she sees Damon and I's faces. "Or maybe you're not..." I hum, looking around the dance.

"Ironic, huh, Stefan?" His face falls and he nods slowly.

"Teach me some moves," Elena says, pulling Stefan to the dance floor. She stops for a second, turning and smiling at me, "I'm really glad you're here." I give her a smile, nodding, looking around as she and Stefan walk off. A slow song starts and Damon sighs, turning to me.

"Wanna dance?" He asks.


"It's a dance, Alina. Come on." He smirks, holding his hand out. I sigh, taking his hand as we move to the dance floor. We're silent for a minute until he gets a phone call.

"Hold on." I sigh, looking around. I look back to Damon and his face has a blank expression, "There's something i need to tell you..."

"What's wrong?"

"Ric isn't Ric anymore..." He tells me. "He's gotten worse."

"Why hasn't anyone told me?" I frown.

"Because i wanted to avoid this." He frowns, "Come on, we need to get Elena and Stefan." He leads me over to them and they frown, "The four us need to talk."

Elena frowns, the four of us walking outside. "What's going on?" She asks.

"Ric is getting a lot worse." Damon frowns.

"If Alaric's sick, then we need to find a cure, something." Elena states.

"We tried medicine. We tried magic. Why don't we get him off vervain, compel him?" Stefan suggests.

"To do what, pretend to be Alaric?" Damon snaps. "The guy that we know is gone. We're talking about someone who not only hates vampires but vampire sympathizers, which makes one of his most obvious targets-- i don't know, all of us."

"What? You think he'd go after the twins?" Stefan frowns.

"Wait, so what do you suggest we do?" Elena questions.

"I'm suggesting that we put him out of his misery." Damon sighs, my face falls as i look up at Damon.

"What? No..." I argue.

"No way in hell." Jeremy says, walking up.

"Oh, come on. It's what he would want. It's a mercy killing." Damon sighs.

"You're out of your mind." Jeremy glares.

"Jeremy-" Elena sighs. He holds his hand out, silencing her.

"Jeremy..." I frown, walking after him. "Jer, stop."

He turns around, a heartbroken expression, "This is Alaric we're talking about, you might not get it cause you weren't there but-"

"I get it." I say cutting him off, "He looked out for you when i wasn't there, and for that, i owe him everything. No one's going to hurt him." I assure him, but i can't even assure myself. He sighs, turning around, "Hey, hey, look at me. I promise, Jer."

"Alina?" I spin around seeing Esther, my eyes narrowing at her. "If you wish to help your friend Alaric, i suggest you come with me."

"Alina.... oh, my god." I turn around seeing Elena and frowning.

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