1. Revelations (part 1)

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[Set the weekend after season 2 episode 2 - episode 3 hasn't happened yet.
Nathan x Simon because obviously.
Also, Mike is Nathan's dad's name if you didn't already know, just to clear up any confusion throughout the fic (I couldn't keep using 'his dad' or whatever lol) Enjoy!]
Synopsis: Nathan tries to reconnect with his Dad after the death of his brother, shit happens.

Nathan was staying at his Dad's house for the weekend, they'd been spending their free time attempting to reconnect following the death of Jamie the week before. He couldn't lie, it was an improvement from sleeping on the floor of the community centre (not that he'd tell his Dad that was where he was staying) but he didn't know if he could handle his Dad for a whole two days. He was definitely going to screw something up and then he'd have Jamie's ghost on his arse about it until he 'apologised', or some bullshit like that.

"You can leave your stuff on the stairs, I was thinking we could go out for a drink or something." His Dad gave him a genuine smile and Nathan was taken aback for a moment, not being able to recall the last time his Dad had actually smiled at him.

"Sure, why not?" Nathan breathed a sigh of relief, thankful he wouldn't have to spend the whole weekend sober.


"I just don't understand how you did it." Nathan's Dad was puzzled.

"It's because I'm brilliant." Nathan brushed it off, taking a swig of beer.

"Seriously, how do you fake your own death that well? There were witnesses... and we buried you for God's sake, it makes no sense!" Mike cried.

"Look, just because you can't do it, doesn't mean others can't. A magician never reveals his secrets."

"But you aren't a magician." Mike pointed out and Nathan just shrugged. They fell into an uncomfortable silence and so Mike decided to change the subject, "So... what 'ave you been up to recently?"

"You mean other than scraping dog shit off of the floor?" Nathan cocked a brow and wasn't surprised to see the ever-present deadpanned frown on his father's face.

"Yes, other than scraping dog shit off the floor." He said, taking a swig of beer.

"You know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that." Nathan shrugged again, also taking another sip.

"Listen, I'm making an effort here, help me out a bit." His dad sighed, putting down his beer, "What about friends? Got any of those?"

"How dare you, I have loads of friends!" He gasped, offended.

"And you hang out with them on a regular basis?" Mike smirked.

"Four of them, yes. The rest of them have jobs and stuff." He shrugged in defence.

"And who are these famous four then?" His Dad picked up his beer again, "The ones who were at your funeral?"

"Yeah, there's Kelly, Curtis, Alisha and then there's Barry; I have community service with them."

"Criminals?" He rose a brow.

"It's community service, not prison." Nathan scoffed, his eyes wandering around the pub until he spotted a familiar looking head, "Barry?" He mumbled to himself, confused as to why he was hanging out in a pub alone. He hadn't pegged Simon as that kind of guy, he seemed more the type to be hanging around primary schools. Perhaps he was meeting someone, a girl maybe, the idea made Nathan feel a little sick.

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