"What the heck is Seamus doing with that glass of water" I asked Harry cocking my head to the side in complete confusion. Before Harry could answer Ron spoke "he's trying to turn it into rum. He actually managed a weak tea yesterday". "Why would an eleven year old boy want to turn water into rum" Hermionie asked. "Beats me" Ron and I exclaimed at the same time before laughing a bit.
Ron and I practically bolted our way to the next class which was flying brooms. We lined up by our brooms as I stood bouncing on the balls of my feet in between Ron and Harry.

"Good afternoon class" Madame Hooch exclaimed as we returned her the same. She explained what we were to be doing today which was the task of summoning our brooms. I mean all we had to do was say up. It couldn't be that hard right. Boy was I wrong. Draco got it right away and made sure to stick out his tongue at Ron and I. Even Harry giggled when Ron's broom smacked into his face as mine hit my arm hard. "Oh shut up Harry" I groaned.

Next thing you know we were all ready to start our take offs. "On my whistle three, two"- but before madame hooch could finish Neville kicked off and was flying in an awful sort of way. "Neville what are you doing get down" I protested as madame hooch hollered at him to do the same.

Before you could even say Neville again he had made a rough landing on the ground holding his arm in pain. "If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before you can say quidditch" madame hooch instructed us before stalking off with Neville to the hospital wing.

"Dang we won't get to finish our lesson how are we"- but I was cut off to the annoying sound of Draco Malfoys voice. "Did you see his face. Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze he would have remembered to fall on his fat ass" Draco sneered as He held Neville's remembral from earlier. "Give it here Malfoy" Harry yelled as he stepped up me along with him.

"No, I think I'll leave it someplace else for Neville to find" Draco yelled as he hopped on his broom flying into the air. Harry started to hop on his broom as Hermionie protested "Harry no, you heard what Madame Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly". But Harry took off anyways.

I watched my new best friend fly off before my anticipation took over and I hopped on my broom. "What an idiot" Hermionie mumbled behind me as I kicked off. I made it about five feet before I fell. Guess I didn't have Harry's talent huh.

I sat on my bottom feeling lucky that I didn't end up like Neville. I heard foot steps running to my side as I noticed Ron standing above me, worry written on his face. Although it looked as though he may have been laughing at me before as a tiny smirk crept across his face. "Are you okay y/n" he asked offering me his small hand. I took it helping myself up. "Y-yea. I just wish I could fly like Harry" I said frowning before glancing down to notice I was still grabbing Ron's hand.
He didn't seem to mind as he gave it a little squeeze making me shiver before I quickly let go.

I turned to hear many students clapping as Harry ran towards me beaming as he said gleefully "I got his remembral, I did it". He gave me a high five. As all three of us walked back Harry was telling me how maybe he could teach me to fly before I saw professor Mcgonagoll, frown on face in front of us.

"Harry Potter? Follow me" she said as I heard Harry gulp beside me. I watched him walk off as Ron gave me a worried glance.
It was three days later as Ron, Harry and I were walking our way through the now sort of familiar halls of Hogwarts. The news had gotten around pretty fast that Harry had become the youngest seeker of the century.

Fred and George came up behind us patting Harry on the back as Fred said "Well done Harry, woods just told us". "Fred and George are on the team too" Ron exclaimed as I smiled. Harry and I had trained twice in the past few days and I had finally learned how to fly without falling after a minute.

We made it outside as Ron continued "oh go on Harry, quidditch is great". "Yea my moms told me all about it Harry, you gotta do it" I added to Ron's sentence. "But I've never played before. What if I make I fool of myself" Harry asked worried. "You won't make a fool of your self. It's in your blood" Hermionie said from behind us.
Hermionie had led us to what seemed to be a trophy case in the school hall. "You never told us your father was a seeker too" Ron exclaimed as we looked at the plaque. "I-I didn't know" Harry said. He had a sort of proud smile on his face as we started to walk away.

We made our way to the stairs as Ron and I walked in front while Hermionie and Harry were behind us.

"So are you excited to watch the first quidditch match" he asked as I nodded before responding "Yea I've been waiting to watch one ever since my mom told me about the sport". Ron looked as though he wanted to tell me something else but was interrupted by the stairs switching places.

"What's happening" I heard Harry exclaim from behind me. Ron and I held onto the sides of the stairs as if thinking we might fall off.
"The staircases change. Remember Harry" Hermionie said before it stopped moving. "Let's go this way guys" I instructed as we all walked side by side.

"Does anyone feel like we aren't supposed to be here" I heard Ron mumble beside me. "We're not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor. It's forbidden" Hermionie said making me nervous. Suddenly a cat ran into the room and my eyes widened knowing exactly who it was. "It's Filch's cat" I exclaimed.

We all ran finding a door as Harry aimlessly pulled at it before coming to the conclusion it was locked. "That's it we're done for" Ron groaned as I stepped up. "Wait I think my mom taught me this before I got here. Alohamora" I said as the door unlocked for me.

All three looked at me as Hermionie gave me a small nod of approval saying "I was just going to do that". "Filch is gone. Probably thinks the door is locked" Ron said as Hermionie answered with "it was locked". "Yea and for good reason" Harry said. We all followed his gaze to what stood in front of us. A. Three. Headed. Dog. We all screamed as we sprinted back to our common room climbing the steps to our dorms.

"What do they think they're doing?!! Keeping a thing like that locked up in school" Ron exclaimed from beside me. "You don't use your eyes do you. Did you see what it was standing on, a trap door" Hermionie responded. "Guarding something" Harry questioned. "That's right now if you two don't mind we're going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled" Hermionie snapped pulling my arm.

I gave Ron and Harry a shrug before we got inside. Hermionie went to bed immediately as I slowly crawled into mine. It was quite curious. What had that dog been gaurding, and why?

Hello peeps, it's been a while as I kind of lost inspo but I'm back! Hope you guys are well and Georgia out! Also remember to vote.

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