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(A/N) I am deeply sorry and apologize for the lack of updates. Life has been hectic with this whole pandemic and all. Please stay safe out there. I love you all.

Her footfalls were near silent, making sure to tread lightly as she waited for the next elevator. Peering over the top of her sunglasses, she spotted her target.

Reapplying scarlet red lipstick, she squinted into the little handheld mirror. She knew what she had to do.

Strapped just underneath her too-right pencil skirt sat a handheld gun, strapped nicely against her thigh. The only suspect would be herself.

"Luka, how charming." Lila said as she stepped off the elevator. "You look like a deer in headlights."

"I apologize, Miss Rossi." Luka bowed his head, following his boss back to her office.

"Did you reschedule my meeting with Gabriel?" Lila checked her phone messages.

Luka swallowed. "Yes, he said to call about the gabbana collaboration line."

"Perfect." Lila's smile was anything but innocent.

Adrien had arranged a meet up with Lila that evening, Marinette helping him get dressed earlier. While she clipped his cuff links, he began to sweat under the collar of his button down shirt.

"Relax, this plan is solid." Marinette pressed a kiss sweetly to his cheek. "Just don't get killed."

"Thank you, that's very reassuring."

Ivan knocked on the safe house door twice before pausing and repeating the same action. It was their secret code in rider to differentiate him and others.

Lila had close sources, many even being in the same building. It was unlikely, but still possible.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" Adrien lightly wrapped his hands around her wrists.

"It's time to go." Ivan eyed the two of them.

"I'm not the one running headfirst into danger." Marinette laughed quietly, sensing the uneasiness in his tone.

"I will come back, my lady." Adrien kissed her chastely on the lips before parting.

She smiled faintly. "I know."

Adrien stood outside her apartment, far more luxurious than what he imagined, wishing that they had altered the plan so he wasn't diving headfirst into danger. There wasn't much he could now since he had just rung the doorbell.

He swallowed at the sight of Lila wearing a low cut gown, maroon with hints of leg as she led him inside. He got a good look at the interior, noting how everything seemed to be something out of a furniture store magazine.

That, or a Hallmark Christmas movie set.

They had settled for a late dinner and a couple of drinks, allowing Luka and the rest of Ivan's team able to infiltrate her office. Allegedly, her computer contained numerous counts of evidence, albeit heavily password protected.

Thankfully, one man on Ivan's team, Max, would be able to crack the code.


"So, Adrien," Lila started off, pouring a glass of wine for the two of them. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Adrien cleared his throat, clearly nervous. "After things didn't work out with Marinette, I didn't know who else to turn to."

Lila handed him a glass. "I see."

"Is this a Merlot?" Adrien took a slow, careful sip. "I see you are playing the Star Wars: Attack of the Clones soundtrack. Nice touch."

"This was supposed to be our first wedding dance as a married couple." Lila draped a leg across his, leaning over and grabbing him by the chin. "A real shame that never got to happen."

Adrien stood up suddenly. "Do you want to dance now?"

Lila took his hand, setting down his glass. Her smile was anything but innocent.

Luka was on edge. He was no trained officer, but he knew Lila the best and where everything was in order for them to get in and out as quickly as possible. Sneaking around in the dark, security camera turned off, led to him crashing into more than a couple things he didn't even knew existed until now.

"Dammit Couffaine, could you be any louder?" Max and him steered clear of the officers protecting the doorways, making sure none of Lila's supposed "connections" found their way inside the building out on a whim.

Luka skimmed his hands across the desk, turning on the computer. While it powered up, Max slid into the chair in front of it.

"Her safe is behind the desk, it has mass weaponry and a slew of evidence." Luka pointed out.

Ivan halted over by the door, stopping his team from advancing any further. "Why would she keep her evidence locked away where she isn't ten hours a day?"

Just as Max logged onto the computer, muttering something about a password with Adrien's middle name and an onslaught of numbers, he froze. "Guys, there's no evidence here or in the safe."

"What?" Luka rose a brow in both confusion and suspicion.

"It's in her house, this was just a decoy." Max found her notes on the computer, locked away. "They're in her house."

He continued searching, forgetting to alert the team around him. "Don't set off that safe, it's a—"

"Bomb!" Ivan told everyone to get down just as a minor explosion wracked the room.

Dust and smoke filtered through the air, Luka coughing profusely into his arm. "Damn—asthma."

"Is everyone alright?" Ivan made sure that none of his team were hurt.

If anyone had been one foot closer to that bomb, it would have been set off directly in their face, possibly not only injuring them, but rendering them blind as well.

Max glanced back to the shattered computer screen. "Dammit."

"Adrien's in trouble." Luka made eye contact with Ivan, who merely nodded in response.

They knew what to do next.

But what they didn't know was what beast had been unleashed.

Its target?

Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

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