Chapter 6

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Maya looked in front of her as she didn't actually know what to do next.
Her father gave her a chain he had many times wore when she was younger and now she had it around her neck.
She exhaled as she looked in front of her feeling the chilly October wind blowing.
It felt like December and it certainly did bring her back to where she was there for the very first time.

"What you doing here?" Josh asked as he saw Maya was sitting on her own.

She didn't answer him making him worried.
Josh leaned over the bench as he put his hand on Maya's shoulder causing her to look up into his blue eyes.

"You okay?" Josh asked and Maya nod.
"Yeah, sorry. My mind is at a hundred different places right now. Somehow I think it's just going to be a few days then reality will come back. Which I don't want," Maya said.
"Eventually you'll have to head back to that. Let me take you home," Josh said as they were gone.

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