**Chapter Thirty**

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AN: Names abbreviated
       Us = Laurent and Larry
            Us guys = Laurent, Larry, James and Todd
            Our girls = Sapphire and Kaitlyn
The boys = Thomas, Eric, Samson and Samuel
Our belles = Sapphire and Kaitlyn

**Long chapter**


James, Todd, Larry (Lar) and I were seated in the luxury mini bus with Darren and David (Dave) returning to the campsite, us guys in blissful silence, proud of our . . . Manly decisions

Days earlier, us guys darling girls convinced us guys to undertake prostrate exams, I personally blame the steamy shower I shared with Sapphire (Sapp).  Anyway, the thought of someone 'poking around in that area had us guys, mainly Larry and I attempt the 'I change my mind tactic, forgetting they (Sapp, Kaitlyn (Kat), Sharon and Michaela (Mick)) were steps ahead of us guys and had plans in place, playing there trump card straight from the bat

George, Peter, Abraham, Darren, David, Teddy, Jason, Kristopher (Kris), Roman, Jake, Thomas, Eric, Samson and Samuel spoke with us guys ensuring we were well informed of the process from preparation to aftercare.  To us guys delight, there were options

Little did us guys know, the guys had an ace up there sleeves 'just in case us guys didn't want to hear them out . . . They were right.  Us guys quick smart listened to them when they stated Sapp, Kat and now Sharon have an understanding of the possible pain and discomfort we could experience since they've had to endure invasive procedures, some involving sedatives

About fifteen minutes away from the campsite we heard a strange, muffled sound.  Looking at Darren and Davis, they were looking up through the sunroof

Us guys looked up and gasped when a helicopter passed over, above the tree tops
James: I thought this was a no-fly zone - blurting out
Darren or Dave: It is, th . . .
James: Can't be if that's flying about - abrupt, cutting off Darren or David
Us guys looked at Darren and David, they were looking at James
Dave: Before you rudely interrupted, Darren was going to say that was a sheriff's helicopter, the only helicopters capable of air travel within Nirvana County - calmly
Us guys were taken aback
Darren: Almost the entire county is listed as no-fly zones
Dave: Over half of those zones are listed as hot spots, including this area
Darren: The mountains and hills contain ion metals and produce magnetic fields which interfere with inflight instruments
Todd: Um . . . Is that why you travel by vehicle - Darren and David nodded 'yes
Darren: Sheriff helicopters are equipped with diffusers
Dave: Those ion's are the reason why food tastes different, aroma's smell different, folks act different and why fertiliser is illegal
Darren: By the time the ion's are absorbed by the soil, it has been filtered to safe levels for human and animal consumption
Dave: It enriches the soil with nutrients and vitamins, just like fertiliser
James: Um . . . Is that why I'm . . . Snappy - unsure, Darren and David nodded 'yes
James: I-is there anyway I can . . . You know . . . Overcome this
Darren and Dave: Eat strawberries or lemons, they don't absorb the ion's
Us: Is that why belle's eat a lot of lemons - blurting out
Darren and Dave: Nope . . . Lemons are there favourite fruit, they don't do . . . Sweet
Us guys gagged, Darren and David chuckled

Entering the campsite, the sunroof opened and windows tinted.  We all deeply inhaled the sweet pine scent flooding the interior

Seconds later we all looked at each other, mouths watering, Lar and I with goofy grins.  We had smelt the distinct aroma of fresh baking.  I was secretly hoping our girls had made banana steam pudding.  By the looks on James, Todd and Lar's faces, they too were secretly hoping for a particular treat

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