**Chapter Twenty Seven**

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AN: Names abbreviated
Us Guys = James, Todd, Laurent and Larry
Our girls = Sapphire, Kaitlyn, Michaela and Sharon
Us = Laurent and Larry
The boys = Thomas, Eric, Samson and Samuel
Our belles = Sapphire and Kaitlyn


Strolling toward an arrivals lounge at the airport, Jake and us guys pulling our luggage.  We all looked at each other, weary smiles on our faces.  We were happy to be home to relax and spend time with our girls, albeit with uncertainty.  Michaela (Mick), Sapphire (Sapp) and Kaitlyn (Kat) had kept Jake and us guys updated with Sharon's (Shar) progress, while traveling for meetings, battles and interviews. We were on the same page of having no idea of what we were walking into

We do know the aggressive treatments have flushed the disease from Sharon's system and she is on the road to recovery but has left her weak, wheelchair bound, bald from head to toe with extreme weight loss.  All she wants to do now is gain enough strength to return home.  Throughout Shar's ordeal, Todd and James discovered what Jake and us already know of Mick, Sapp and Kat . . . They are strong, committed and vulnerable but remained positive and chirpy whenever we spoke with them

On top of that, our stress levels were through the roof

First off, Kimberley and Justine tried to enter the private hospital Sharon was at . . . Twice.  After the second incident, they were arrested for trespassing and bailed out by Todd and James's papa's.  Because this hospital wouldn't allow private security on the premises, Sharon risked her health and traveled to the hospital Roman was at to continue her treatment

The second involves Abigail (Abi), Mariah and Maria.  They are at the city hospital under guarded isolation.  They went to the emergency department with rashes and abdominal pain.  Following tests, they were isolated and the police called.  Because of the test results, there homes were searched.  A small bottle of Gympie Gympie oil was found at Abi's home along with tainted papers and several sealed envelopes.  Abi, Mariah and Maria had inadvertently poisoned themselves and were arrested for attempted poisoning.  Learning of this, George, Peter and Abraham pulled out all the stops

Us guys hotel reservations were cancelled and we stayed in George's family condo's. Jake volunteered to be us guys personal chef and arrived with Zion, Damian and three other bodyguards assigned to Jake, James and Todd.  Back at the hospital, Sharon was moved into a private room with a family lounge.  Peter rented a vacation home for everyone and Abraham had mobile kitchens set up with chefs at the vacation house preparing everyone's meals.  These areas are swarming with security, assessable only with security clearance cards

Stopping metres from the entrance in a single line, our rolling luggage's to our left hand sides, Jake and us guys looked back.  Zion, Damian and the three other bodyguards continued to our right hand sides and nodded.  We all moved forward and entered the lounge to a chaos of cheers, clapping, camera flashes flashes and media.  Ignoring the mayhem, we strolled through without incident and exited to a glorious sun setting

Arriving at a black windowed mini bus, the doors opened.  To our surprise, Kristopher (Kris), Zaviar and Roy emerged.  Without thinking, Jake and us released our luggage and greeted them with hugs.  Kris introduced Todd and James to Zaviar and Roy

Entering with Kris, we sat facing the back and sank into the cloud like seats.  Making my seatbelt click, I looked at Todd and James.  They were still standing and looking at the interior (see sample pic)

  They were still standing and looking at the interior (see sample pic)

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