'I believe you're already familiar with the design patterns of the hotel Josephine. Am I correct?' Elizabeth asks.

'Of course, I got the briefs by mail two days ago and I'm familiar with them.' I answer accurately.

As we walk down the hall, I hear the hum of conversations and glance to my right noticing a room with many people sat at various tables eating, drinking, and chatting. Waiters are serving food and drinks, and the distinct voice of Shawn Mendez and Camilla Cabello is purring in the background.

'I received your portfolio and marked out all the items needed for the room I'm about to show you.' She informs me as we get to a flight of stairs and pure curiosity has me walking up the steps gazing around the vast area. It's immaculate. 'And I also sent a few items I researched on, hopefully, you can get your hands on them as well.' She stated expectantly.

'Of course.' I reply 'Whatever you need.'

As we reach the top of the stairs, Elizabeth heads off to the right and I follow with my black heels clicking on the plaque floor. The sight of a marbleized wallpaper adding some pizzazz to space with doors and trim in charcoal Gray enhancing the dazzling print. We continue past two closed doors and she opens the third one leading to what appears to be a summer room- a massive light stunning space with a huge chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. And it's empty.

'Here we are.' She says as I look around studying the room carefully. A herringbone pattern creates an eye-catching twist to the standard wood floor. Floor to ceiling bi-fold doors spurns the complete face of the room leading to the balcony and the view of a fresh green lawn area. I see a glass building housing a swimming pool and a gym. It's incredible. I can't even imagine how much the nightly rate would cost. It has to be five stars or even more.

Elizabeth moves in quietly, allowing me to take my time regarding the grandeur before me. 'It's immaculate,' I say, turning round to meet her gaze. She nods in acknowledgment smiling at me. 'Is there an expectation whatsoever?' I ask.

'We are hoping for something within the line of candle woods and proscenium decorations.' She says.

I can work with that. It's a lot but nothing I can't handle. 'That's fine by me. What about the furniture?'

'Old wood and marbles.' She said impressing me with her aesthetic taste. 'I already marked out the specifics and included a few of the wooden materials I researched in your portfolio. All I require are the cost and quality so we can begin work immediately.' She adds.

'Not to worry, I'll get right on it.' I assure her 'You'll get an email from the purchasing department by Monday.'

'Brilliant.' She says 'My apologies. I hope you don't mind, I have to be excused. Please take as much time as you need here, I have a few matters to attend to.'

'Not a problem, I'll take it from here. Thank you.'

'Thank you for your time.' she says and takes her to leave.
As I take notes and digest the view around me, I let my imagination run its course and list out a couple of lighting befitting to the room and also wall painting as well. Busy penning down the details, I was hardly aware of the door opening.

'Excuse me.'

I'm dragged from my scripting and speculating, straight into high alert. My back straightens. I turn to that raspy smooth voice that has me frozen on the spot.

Oh good God. My heart slams right out of my chest and I forget how to breathe. I'm struck silent to the view of a very tall man, dressed in a blue plaid suit, white shirt, and grey tie with unruly fire blonde hair. He looks like a wonder from a superhero movie or a James Bond film. An impossible sight to behold in reality. I'm unable to find my voice. He's beautiful.

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