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'ahaha'= thoughts/ what they are thinking

"ahaha" = sign language

"ahaha" =writing

"You're back I see" the school nurse said looking at the short bruised boy standing at the door, "come on in" he said indicating that the badly bruised boy can come into the office dropping his bag on the floor and bottle of pills rolled out, though neither the boy or nurse noticed it,he walked in and sat on a bed, the nurse wheeled over to where the boy sat in his wheel office chair with a first aid kit, "what happened, fell down the stairs, tripped, a stray dog  attacked you, you and your sister had a small fight" the boy chuckled a bit, "did I get it?" the nurse asked with a smile the boy sat there while the nurse treated him,"seriously Liam you need to stop this, as much as I enjoy your company, I rather see you in here without bruises" the nurse said, "soon, I- I just need some time" the boy said sadly, "heard that before Liam, last chance before I take this up with your mother or the principal, ok?" the nurse said and Liam nodded, "thank you looking after me like usual Mr.Rodriguez" Liam said with a smile "Liam, I told you, call me Marco."

A knock was heard at the door Marco turned his attention to the two tall males at the door,"I thought you went home" Marco said turning his attention back to treating Liam, "we were but Helena stole the car" the dusty white haired male said annoyed,while the other walked into the room and started being helpful "you provoked her" Marco said with a chuckle, "I called her music trashy" the male said walking into the room and flopping himself down on the bed next to the bed Liam sat on, while the other male walked over to Marco and handed him a glass of water with some pills which he handed to Liam, "Liam these are my sons, Ryder" he pointed to the boy who's smiling at Liam and Liam smiled back, "and the boy with the terrible dyed white haired is Clinton" Marco said with a smile "Clint" Clinton corrected "I name you, I call you what I want" Marco said rolling his eyes, Liam took the pills while they bicker and Ryder went over to pick up a pill bottle that he saw on the floor and started reading it.

"Liam we talked about them before you remember?" Liam looked at Marco in confusion, "you did?" Marco looked at the boy and smiled "yes remember? I showed you a picture of them and you said, and I quote "they are hot, like hot hot"" Liam looked over at Ryder who is minding his own business and reading the labels on the same bottle-though Liam didn't notice what bottle Ryder held-, Clinton chuckle softly while pretending to be asleep, Liam blushed remembering that he did indeed say that, looking away from Ryder and being thankful that Ryder did not hear this, or so he thought, for the "Hot hot" male did hear what his father said.

"Where's your sister by the way?" Marco asked waking Clinton right up "my god how did I not see it, your Liam Flech twin brother to Lilly Flech, boy does she hate my guts" Clinton said laughing meanwhile Ryder slipped the bottle of pills back into Liam's bag, "she talks-well sign about how she wish you were dead every night" Liam said with a chuckle, "you have no idea how that brings me so much joy, the fact she signs about me really brings light to my life, thank you for that Liam" Clinton said with sparkle in his eyes, "I should get going" Liam said getting up and was greeted by Ryder who handed Liam his bag with a smile, "thank you," Liam said looking up to the 6'0 tall Ryder and Ryder looked down at the 5'6 Liam, Liam turned around "thank you Mr. Ro-" Marco squinted his eyes at Liam"Thank you Marco" Liam said smiling at Marco who smiled back waving goodbye "bye, I'll visit tomorrow, un-bruised" Liam said before walking away.

"I like him" Clinton said, "yeah, I need you guys to stalk him" Marco said rolling back to his desk, "why?" Clinton asked "just do it, don't take your eyes off of him tomorrow" Marco said writing some things down.


"MOM,LILLY, DRAKE, I'M HOME" Liam yelled walking into his house, he heard loud foot stomps coming towards him and he waited,his  big three legged,5'0 eleven years old dog -but Liam and his family like to refer to him as "puppy"- ran towards him pushing Liam onto the floor, Drake's tongue slobbing all around Liam's face as Liam laughs and tries to push his eleven year old "puppy" off of him "come here Drake" Liam's mom said making Drake hop off of Liam and run towards her, Liam sat up fixing his glasses and took off his jean jacket while he stood up, he wince and grabbed his shoulder to comfort it, his mother quickly noticed and ran to him and checked his body"what happened, was it that Jake kid?" his mother asked examining his shoulder "where was Dave, why wasn't he with you?" he heard his mom ask, wanting to tell her that the "Jake kid" was actually 'Dave, neighbor Dave we've lived next to all my life and my boyfriend, Dave.'

"Uh yeah it was Jake, he came at me when Dave dropped me off to chemistry" Liam lied to his mother then walked towards the kitchen, "does't Dave do chem?" Liam's mom said while she got dinner for her son "he's in chem group one, I'm in group two" Liam said truthfully, "well I'm going to go to the principal and talk to him about this." Liam mom said as she placed a plate of dinner infront of him "you don't have to" Liam said as he stuffed  his face with lasagna.

"Well let's change schools, we'll transfer you to"Liam food came out his mouth as fast as it went in 'if I change schools he's going to kill me' Liam thought as he tried to come up with a our,"how about, I just stay close to Dave, he's protected me for the last two days, today was just different because Jake got to me before he did he even beat Jake up afterwards so it's all good" Liam rushed off "hmm ok...Lilly came home and asked for permission to go sleep by a friend next week Friday,and I granted her permission to go,also Kyle and I are going clubbing" Liam looked at his mom confused "so?"Liam asked taking a sip of his water "so you will spend that Friday with Dave, you know how I feel about leaving you here alone" Liam mother said sitting across from her son, "but mom I came home by myself"Liam whined "and for that you are grounded, which means Lilly has to monitor you, which mean a pissed off Lilly around you for three days." Liam's mom said with a smile and Liam glared a little "if you were with Dave I'd understand, I know he won't let you get hurt, Dave loves you" Liam's mother said taking his plate and cup to the sink to get them washed, "yeah he loves me" Liam said smiling and walked upstairs. 

"It's Lilly's turn tonight so I'll tell her ok?" Liam said pausing on the steps "I'm not a baby you know, and I should try to get over it" his mom said drying the last dish, "ok how about this Saturday we work and on you and Lilly" Liam said walking back downstairs, he stood next to the light switch and held out his hand to his mother,his mother walked over to him and laced her fingers with his, "ready?" Liam asked looking at his mom with a smile, she nodded slightly before Liam turned off the light startling her, Liam's momther grip tighten on his hand and she started started to whimper and shiver, "mom I'm right here, you're fine,I'm right here let's get you to your room" he started walking with his mom up the stairs and to her room, "here we are, your night light has been charged and Lilly will come in as usual," Liam said standing by his mother's door "I feel like a burden to you guys,I feel like a baby" his mom said slipping into her bed,"you're a grown woman with mental trauma, there is nothing wrong with that,and I like taking care of you so its not a problem to be 'burden' sometimes, sweet dreams mom" Liam said placing a kiss om his mothers forehead walking towards his room, he was stopped by his sister.

 "I came home late because of detention what's your excuse?" she showed him the already written question, "I met up with some people" Liam said shrugging his shoulders "did Dave hurt you again?"   she flipped the page showing him another question, "you ask me that everyday, on that same page and I give you the exact same answer, ""no he did not"" Liam said rolling his eye's. "you lie to me" Lilly signed with the book under her arm, Liam placed his hand over his shoulder and smiled, "why are you smiling, he hurt you" she signed, she made bigger hand gestures when she signed "AGAIN" , Liam looked his sister in the eyes "look I'm fine I'm ok, uh Dave save me" Liam said looking at his sister, he's smiling happily thinking that Dave cares for him,"Liam, Dave is not a good-" her signing was stopped by her brother holding her hands,he brought them up to his lips and kissed them, "I'm going to end it, soon" he said, Liam kissed her head and walked into his room, "don't forget its your turn tonight" Liam said entering his room closing his door leaving his sister there, she walked away going to her mother's room and waited a while.Lilly made a 'pssshhh' sound and when she saw her mom sleeping she turned on her mother's nightlight, turned off her bedroom light, and walked to her own room leaving her mom's door open, she patted her thigh three times before Drake came to view and the both of them walked towards her room, Lilly got ready for sleep and she went to sleep with her puppy by her side.

how was the first chapter? Boring? confusing? Are you  excited? 

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