This is the worst summer ever, pt 4

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Summary:this is the continue of the last chapter, enjoy!!

Harry P. O. V

We finally pulled away for like two seconds before I felt his lips on mine again.

It wasn't long until Dudley's heavy steps could be heard outside the door, and he quickly let go of me, as I head to the wardrobe to get myself a shirt, since I'm still half naked...

"Draco, your parents want you to be in the kitchen now!" Said Dudley as he opened the door.

"Tell them I'm busy!" Spat Draco at the fat boy

"Um.. Ok..." Said the unwanted guest as he got away, closing the door behind, welp, that was awkward...

"Now... Where were we?" Asked seductive Draco, as he got closer to me.

"I think I know..." I said with the same seductive voice, to mach with his.

"Oh, really? Where?" Asked the blond, holding my hands on top of my head as I was laying with my back on the wall.

"Maybe... Hm... Here?" I asked seductive as he smirked, before I crashed my lips into his again in a passionate kiss.

As we were minding our business, I heard again Dudley's heavy steps that were coming towards our door, and I pushed him away.
He fell on the bed right in the second Dudley opened the door.

"Dad wants you here either, boy!" Said Dudley, before his eyes starting to go all over the room.

"What were you two doing here?" Asked Dudley, as he looked at mine and Draco's lips, that were as red as blood, since we we're kissing hard af, oh shoot-

"Were you two kissing??" Asked shocked the fat boy, with really wide eyes.

"Of - of course n-not...?" Said Draco more like a question, as I nodded after him.

"Um.. Alright, but before you go down there, I think you should want to arrange your self a little.." Said Dudley pointing at our shirts that were on the floor and our messy hair, plus Draco's pants, that were more down than usual.

"I'll tell them you're coming..." Said in a rush Dudley before storming out of the room, I didn't even had time to say or do something, as I felt Draco's arms around my waist, pulling my body close to his, as he slowly kissing my lips again, and of course I kissed him back.

"Alright, I think we need to go down now..." I said, not wanting to let him go.

"Yeah, but we'll finish this later anyway!" Said Draco kissing my check before getting a shirt for me, as he started dressing him self.

Time skip to when they finaly got down!!!!

"Ah Draco, finally you got down!" Said Draco's father as he got up from his chair to get Draco in his arms in a warm hug... I think he did something wrong...

"Um father, what's happening?" Asked Draco as he took a step back after that hug.

"Well, since you and Harry are getting along well, and his birthday is tomorrow (I lost the track of time)
we were thinking that maybe you two wanted to go somewhere, since the Dursleys don't want to make something for him, so?" Asked Draco's mother with a kind voice, looking when at Draco, when at me.

"Well, I should like to go somewhere for my birthday... If Draco is alright with it too-"

"Of course!!! But can me and Harry go up and talk a bit, please? Thank you!" They didn't have time to respond because Draco grabbed my hand and rushed us up stairs, in my room, now his too.

"What was that for?" I asked confused of everything that was happening

"Well I was thinking that since my parents are alright with you having something for your birthday, maybe we could go to a muggle mall- I think it's called- and have some tine for our selfs... What do you say?" Asked Draco, lifting my chin up slowly, with two fingers.

"Only the two of us?" I asked, before he nodded a quick yes.

"I mean if your parents are alright with that... Sure!" I said happy, as a smile grown on his face, matching with mine.

"Awesome!! But before we go down stairs..." Said Draco longing the last sentence, before closing that gap between our lips.
I slowly kissed him back as I stretched out my hand to the door lock, turning it slowly, so no one could come in, I don't even think someone should want to come in here now...

Hiiii guys!!! I'm so fucking sorry that I didn't post but I had a lot of lessons online and hard homework and I hate my life!! But anyway, I think I'll post another one shot today, if I don't forget, and now bye!! ❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤💚

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