Yuungrz Sherl

220 19 2

Me- So my friend was reading my fic and also theonewithnolife2 and noticed I asked about young Sherlock and she wanted to see my twist on it but she was too lazy to ask me online so she waited a day and asked me in person so here it is!

Friend- I FOUND A PIC OF SHERLOCK IN COLLEGE *shows everyone a tiny like 4 11" blond haired Sherlock*

Lestroodle Sally and Anderson- AWWWWWWWWWWW

Jawn what the hell Sherlo-

Everyone but Jawn and Sherlock- AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Sherlock- *blushing furiously* SHUT UP! I didn't get my growth spurt till like two days later! I was forced to sit on people's laps because I was too short!

Everyone from Sherlock but Mycroft who's trying not to laugh remembering it- *LAUGHING SO HARD THEIR KIDNEYS BREAK*

House- *appears* Goddamnit Sherlock you're my son don't make people break their kidneys so I come just call me

Sherlock- Not my fault! *sticks tongue out*

Everyone but House Myc and Sherlock- *wide eyed* omg

Btw my friends are lazy

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