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So supernatural Headcanon: (btw this is only a Headcanon so it's most likely not true)

So somebody that can see into the future tells the Angels that no matter what happens, Dean and Sam will be hunters, whether it be John and Mary or another family. It's just fate.

So, to punish John for being a bad father, he gives back his memories of meeting his kids in the past to torment him. So, John then gets greedy. He thinks that if he doesn't raise his kids to be hunters (like he said before, what kind of freak does that?) then he will die. He also knows that Mary will die that day.

But because of his greed he will sacrifice his wife, and turn his kids to hunters just to live. He lets his wife die to have a "tragic backstory" to have a reason to be a hunter, but what he doesn't know is he's going to have to keep up the act so his kids won't get suspicious.

He later finds out that he is going to die anyways, so he sacrifices himself to Dean as an apology.

Keep in mind this is just a Headcanon (and I wanted to share it here bc it's my most popular book)

Also, I may or may not, but would you guys like separate ask books for each fandom? (Supernatural, Sherlock, and doctor who) for the people who only like one fandom and don't want to see the other asks (I'd still do this one too)

Anyways, I'm working on an ask for a prank war, but I forgot the asker, can the asker tell me here? Thanks!

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