Seelll ur soul for a peice of cheese

62 2 1

blair_wilson - Crawley what in your opinion was the best and worst reasons for ppl 2 seelll THEYRE souls

Crowley- hhhmmmmm best was a boy named... Ciel? Who wanted to sell his soul to avenge his parents deaths

Everyone- *sniffs* bootyful

Dove- *eyebrow wiggle*

Crowley- aaaand the worst was the Twinkie shut down, at least 6 people sold their soul for a lifetime supply of twinkies since they thought they would get rich. I had a good laugh after that.

Dean- twinkies are worth it!

Mycroft- what in heavens name is a 'Twinkie?'

Me- heaven

11- *sniff* you wouldn't understand

Crowley- they suck

Me- *GASP* NO *stabs him*

Crowley- I cry

Sam- ha

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