Case 2: W's First run-in/First Trial (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Adam: "WHAT THE F**K?!" Then the Dopant snatches the man and escapes from underneath the ground "...SERIOUSLY?!"

Phoenix: "Wait is this-"

Adam: "A typical day for us."

Phoenix: "Wait what are they?"

Adam: "Dopant."

Mia: "Dopant?"

Adam: "It's a long story but I'll explain it soon. I guess follow me? Or whatever." The two nodded in confusion

4:32 PM

Black Heart Detective Agency

As the three enter the agency it was pretty organized and look like a normal detective agency with a typewriter on a desk and a white scarf with a bit of damage hanging on the wall

Phoenix: "Woah this is...normal."

Mia: "yeah something so simple and yet I get the strange feeling something odd is going on."

Adam: "Well then you better keep that strange feeling because..." He knocks on a hollow wall

Ace: "..."

Adam: He knocks on the wall harder "Open up!"

Ace: "Oh it's just you." He opens the hidden wall "What is-" He sees Phoenix and Mia "Umm Adam why is there a defense attorney...and her?" He points at Mia "Did you do something stupid?"

Adam: "No just needing to show them."

Ace: "Do you say the same with our clients?"

Adam: "No but was there a client today?"

Ace: "Actually there's one woman who wanted to find his boyfriend who left her a couple of days ago she agreed to pay up in front first and now here we are."

Phoenix: "So can you guys explain what's behind the wall?"

Adam: "Gladly follow me." They enter behind the wall which was a whole garage with an upper part that has books, chalkboards, whiteboards, and a vehicle

" They enter behind the wall which was a whole garage with an upper part that has books, chalkboards, whiteboards, and a vehicle

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Mia and Phoenix: "Woah."

Ace: "Welcome to our hidden operation

Phoenix: "So then what's your goal?"

Ace: "Our goal is simple you see in this city there is a strange case of monsters running around so we've been investigating them until we found them but not a lot. First, they're called dopant humans who use Gaia memories. Unlike ours, theirs are pretty addictive like drugs and transform them into a dopant. The main question is who is the main source."

Mia: "Main source?"

Adam: "Well it would make sense that no random person would just have them magically so there is one lead which could be an organization that is doing all of this hiding beneath the shadows."

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