2 Months Later

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Right now I am in one of my classes at the institute, really bored. Let me tell you what has happened in the last couple of months. My dad and I have been getting closer and closer, S.H.I.E.L.D went down, and the Avengers are living with us.

I haven't been contacted by Phil yet and that surprises me.


I took out phone to see I talked to soon. I heard a cough, I looked up to see Jean.

" Sorry this is emergency, it's S.H.I.E.L.D," I say.

She nodds and smiles.

" I will tell your dad were you are at," She said.

I smile appreciably and run out the rum to see Wolverine. I smile at him.

" Hey Logan, I will see you later," I say and hugged him.

He hugs back and kisses my head.

" See you later," he says.

When I got here I saw these really awesome bike and I checked it out. But Logan didn't like that and he started threatening me, but I gave it right back. After I did he laughed at what I said and said I like you kid. Logan and I have been really close since then.

I grabbed my bag that I had already packed for these types of situations and hurry outside. Everyone was there. After I say bye I teleported to Coulson's base.

Everyone their jump back surprised.

" You beeped me Coulson?" I asked.

He looked shocked and looked like he didn't know what to say so May spoke up.

" Yeah we need you Shadow, but next time can you not teleport here, it scares people," she said.

"But I didn't feel like taking a slow car ride here," I say then get serious, " Who's my target,"

"A guy that can turn into metal. We need him alive," she says.

" Do you want we to get him now?" I say.

" What you can't just get him, he is a super human, " some guy says.

" Wow, Fury he did not tell you anything about me, did he?" I asked.

I smirked at their faces.

" So do you want me to get him now?" I asked.

" That would be much appreciated miss........" Coulson says.

" Dark Angel, but you can call me a Shadow if you want," I say. He nodds, " OK I will be right back,"

I teleported where I would find the guy .Let me tell you the place was creepy

There is no furniture,  black walls and these little containers.

He isn't here so I sat their waiting.i wonder if Coulson remembers me and those other people who are they? Maybe I should stay to make sure everything goes smoothly. Dad will miss me but oh well.


And their is the guy. I sneak up behind him in the shadows and wait for him to get to a certain place I then attack. I get him on the floor and bang his head on the ground. Oh so that was easy. I get up to be pulled back down. I turn around and take the guys powers away.

He tries to use his powers but he can't. He looks up confused. Then he looks scarred. I smile and say let's go.

He doesn't get up so I took control of his mind and commanded him to stand up. I grabbed him and teleported to Coulson's base again.

They are all shocked I got him to say the least.

I command him to go to the jail and lock himself in.

They seem confuse as to why he just walk in to the jail.

" I took control of his mind," I say like it was nothing.

" How ?" Skye says.

" Classified, " I say with a smirked. " I never did get your names,"






"Uh Fitz," Fitz says jittery.

" What's wrong with you?" I asked.

They look angry that I said that to him

"A guy named Ward happened," Fitz says again jittery.

" So Ward stayed with hydra. I though he change, oh well," I say.

" YOU KNEW!!" Everyone screams.

" Yea," I say.

" Well I be damned, " Hunter says.

I rolled my eyes and walk up to Fitz and touch his head. Everyone is screaming at me what are you doing. I don't listen though I am to busy healing Fitz.

So here is another chapter, sorry for bad grammar. I hoped you like it though! I little early but I though I would post it early.


Dark Angel, Tony Stark's daughterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن