S.H.I.E.L.D Meet Astrid

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I see my target, a H.Y.D.R.A agent that gave information to S.H.I.E.L.D. His name is Grant Ward, I know he is good guy now. I am getting underpaid so I'll let him live. I better tell them about the bounty on his head.

I walk down to their secret base. When I get down there, there 5 guns pointed at me. Coulson speaks up.

"Who are you?" Coulson said.

"Doesn't matter, all you need to know is that I was hired to kill him, but I decided not to. So what I am trying to say is that you have a bounty on your head," I said in a deep voice.

Did I mention that I am 13 years old and have a suit that covers everything, including my face and hair. So they can't tell if I am a girl and 13. Anyways, while I say that, I Fling there guns aside with my Telekinesis.

"How did you....." He paused, then continues,"Why did you decide not to kill him?" Coulson said.

" They weren't paying me enough and I don't feel like killing a good guy this time," I say uncaring.

"This time, we will have to bring you in," Coulson says

" I am so sorry Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D, you won't remember me," I said

" Wait, please just give us a chance, tell us who you are sir and we can help you work this out, you would be useful,"Coulson said desperately,

I growled at him. I am pissed off!!!


" We don't want to use you, we want to help to help you. You could though do something better with your life, you could join us and help people," he paused and looked at me in the eyes," or you could do this for the rest of you life. Doing crimes and running for the rest of you life," Coulson said.

I look at the ground. I don't have to be a criminal anymore I could help people. I could be a good guy.

" Ok, but you can't know everything about me," I said

" Ok, you can take your time in telling us about you but we do need to know some things," Coulson said.

" Like what?" I asked

"Like what you look like, what your name is, what are your skills sets and ohh I don't know what your powers are?" Simmons asked

I used my shape-shifting powers to change out of my clothes and into black ripped jeans, blue crop top, and compact boots. My wings pop out of my back in all there glory. I looked at them and all of them have awe faces. I chuckled a little bit before talking again.

" Definitely not a sir!!" Skye exclaimed.

" My name is Astrid Amara which means strong eternally, I am 13 years old. My powers are Mimickery, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Element Control, Teleportation, Super Sonic Scream, I can turn into any metal, and I have enhanced senses including agility and strength. As you can see I have wings too. I have a I.Q higher than Dr. Banner and Stark put together and I am also trained in all types of fighting, if you count that as powers," I said out of breath.

They all looked shocked. Here comes the questions. Uh oh, What. Have. I. Done.

Hey guys hoped you liked it!!! Next chapter will be longer and better I promise!!!!!
- Kat

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