Join The Whitebeard Gang!

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Unbeknownst to (Y/N), before Killer and Kid ever got to the apartment, someone else did. As Ace walked over to the cell, unlocking it and swinging it open for the anxious woman, Killer and Kid walked into the station. She stared at him, standing. 

"Why are you letting me out if they haven't paid yet?" she questioned. 

"Someone else did. Left this too." Ace hummed, handing her an envelope. 

"Why?" she shot back, nervously taking the package. 

Ace wanted to laugh, not many would question their bail being paid and not having more of a debt to pay for. Ace shrugged, "You should get home. Y'know I was pleasantly surprised that "Dog" actually existed, the chief has been in a mood since we looked through your apartment." 

(Y/N) stared at Ace in bewilderment, she didn't have a cat and certainly not a cat named dog. Her stare shifting to a glare when he hummed, "You lied about Dog's species. I expected, well not a dog." with that he tapped his foot impatiently. 

(Y/N) shook her head, walking past the cheeky cop. Killer turning to her. Their boss was fuming, shooting an angered glare her way. The female walked over, this win didn't seem so much like a win but... A loss? As if it wasn't actually her wits and caution that got her out of that cell and without of having more debt to pay Kid off with. Killer's expression was one of disappointment. He and Kid quickly leading (Y/N) out, firmly. Effectively forcing the female to leave her phone and wallet. 

"Where is it?" Kid barked out the second they left the building. 

(Y/N) was leaning against her car's door, she couldn't exactly do anything without the keys that were hooked on her wallet. 

"It was in my apartment. The desk drawer, very bottom, false bottom." she explained with a 'duh' expression. 

This, of course, only angered the redhead who then snapped. Much to the blonde's annoyance and the (H/C) haired woman's fear. 

"It wasn't fucking there!" 

"Kid, volume." Killer chided. 

"Wasn't... There? But the dog? That cop said there was a dog!" (Y/N) exclaimed in a rush. 

A bead of sweat dropping from her brow as she stood straight up, her eyes widened in horror. Who would even know to look there aside from Killer and Kid? 

"Dog?" Kid growled, "You still owe us! Why the fuck would we pay your bail otherwise!" 

"Could be the same person who paid her bail this time around." Killer stated. 

(Y/N) gulped, "I-i... I need to get home. Listen, somehow I'll have your money.. End of the week for sure." 

The woman didn't even wait to hear Kid's answer, rushing into the station and going straight to Smoker's office. He and Ace looked to the panicking female. Smoker simply pulled out his drawer and threw the wallet, keys, and phone at her. (Y/N) catching, nodding her thanks and rushing out. 

By the time (Y/N) got home, she was close to tears. The woman pulled up in the parking lot, getting out of the black car, slamming and locking it before rushing up the stairs. Straight to her apartment. She scanned the door numbers, coming up on door number 481. She quickly unlocked the door, rushing in and slamming the door close. 

A small brown dog looking up at her, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he barked. She jumped, startled by the sudden bark. She looked closer, spotting a silver tag on the dog and a blue nose. She sat down, staring at the dog. 

Said dog rushed the female, staring up at her and barking once more before turning and rushing off. (Y/N) stared at her apartment, it was clearly ransacked. And from the sounds of it, Smoker had gotten there before Kid. The female ripped open the envelope, taking out money, 30 thousand in cash. The exact amount Kid was owed, along with a note. 

'When you're ready to talk, let's chat.'

(Y/N) could only stare, was it a threat? A deal? Would she have to talk this person into not spilling her secret? Below the writing was a number. She took out her phone, typing in the number and saving it under 'Stranger'. She then called Killer. 

"What is it?" she heard the blonde ask. 

She also heard yelling and screaming and things being thrown. Kid no doubt. His anger was why she feared him and Killer's ability to calm him down enough to not kill was why she was still alive. She did steal from the infamous Eustass Kid after all. 

"I... I have his money." she muttered, "Come over to collect it I guess..." 

"We'll be right over." Killer informed, before hanging up. 

For some odd reason, even just Killer being here after what had happened... Had the thief shaking. Despite knowing better, she called this stranger. 

"Knew you'd call." a voice spoke after just two rings. 

Ace's voice. (Y/N)'s brows furrowed, the confusion obvious in her eyes. Not that he could see. 

"... Why... This money.. Did you leave the dog?" she questioned. 

"Not personally. I will be needing Chopper back." Ace stated. 

(Y/N) hated how she stuttered as she whispered, "C-can you come over? Quickly?" 

The female could almost hear his smirk as he stated, "You think I wouldn't monitor you? I mean hell, Kid is ruthless and I bet you're not one of his buddies either," 

"... Where are you then?" 

Suddenly her phone beeped, letting her know he hung up as a knock sounded at her door along with a whine of, "Open up! It's cold!" 

Soon (Y/N) was on her feet and swung open her door, seeing the freckled cop. He was grinning but instead of his police uniform, he wore a cowboy hat that was hanging from his neck thanks to some string and a pair of shorts, red beads hanging from his neck. His tattoo on display, it was the letters 'ASCE' but the 'S' was crossed out, she stepped aside to let him in. As he made strides to the kitchen, she spotted the large tattoo on his back. (Y/N) closed the door, following him as he leaned against her counter. 

"Got any food?" he asked. 

(Y/N) only stared at him before pointing at the fridge. Why wasn't he arresting her? Or laughing about how a thief who could die if she wasn't careful was scared of Kid's Gang? The dog had ran out of her bedroom, barking at Ace. Said male picking the dog up in his arms and talking to him in a baby voice before setting him down. 

"I bet your confused." he stated. 

"Fairly..." (Y/N) confirmed. 

"Join the Whitebeard Gang." he stated bluntly. 


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