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"Okay, buddy, take off your clothes and hop in the bath." Louis instructed.

Niall stripped down to his underwear before hopping into the bath.

"This is cold papa. I wanna get out." Niall said.

"I know baby, I know. We need to get that temperature down and get you clean,  how about when you get out I'll snuggle with you.

Niall nodded, whimpering.

10 minutes passed and Louis grabbed the thermometer. He gently placed the thermometer in Niall's mouth and combed his fingers through his sweat soaked hair.

A couple of seconds later the thermometer beeped and Louis took it out of his son's mouth.

"38.6." Louis stated. He then placed his hand on Niall's forehead. "Your forehead feels a lot cooler now than it was 30 minutes ago, we probably should have checked it before we put you in the  cool bath. It's not too high. And you can get out now." Louis finished.

"Thanks papa," Niall said.

"You're welcome buddy." Louis replied.

Niall held up a hand as Louis grabbed a towel. Louis then gripped Niall's hand and helped him up and out of the bath, wrapping the towel around his son's body.

"Ok baby, you can sit there while I go and get you fresh pyjamas, and underwear.

Niall nodded, sitting down,  as Louis left the room.

Louis came back 2 minutes later with pyjamas and underwear in tow, as well as Liam.

"Hi baby, feeling any better?" Liam questioned.

"No, not really dad, although papa did say my fever went down, but I still have one so I feel gross." Niall replied.

"Fair enough, I would assume that anyone who had a fever would feel pretty gross, do you still feel like you're going to throw up, or have diarrhoea anytime soon?" Liam questioned.

"Kind of like I'm going to throw up, not-you know-have the other thing." Niall replied.

"Okay buddy." Louis replied, making his presence known. "Here are a fresh pair of underpants. We will leave you to get dressed, and meet you in your room with some medicine to help you feel better."

"Okay papa, can I have some privacy now please."

Both older men chuckled before nodding and walking out of the room, shutting the door after leaving.

Niall peeled off his wet underwear, and quickly stood up to have a wee, he then washed his hands and dried off his body the rest of the way as it was already partially dry.

He chucked his old underpants into the wash basket and pulled on his new pair, before pulling up his pyjama shorts. He pulled his shirt over his head, just as the nausea returned full force.

He quickly flipped the lid of the toilet up just as Liam knocked on the door.

"Ni, are you okay sweetheart?" He asked.

"No daddy I'm not please come in, the doors not locked."

"Ok buddy." Liam replied.

The door to the bathroom opened and Liam walked in, tutting at the sight of his oldest gripping the porcelain bowl, shaking and fearfully looking straight into the toilet.

"Oh baby, are you not feeling again?"

The teen shook his head for a second, before stopping abruptly and retching. He retched again before letting a waterfall of vomit pour from his mouth.

Liam was rubbing his back the entire time he was throwing up until he pulled back 5 minutes later, slumping into Liam.

The boy looked shocked for a while before he started sobbing and crying.

Louis ran in when he heard crying coming from the bathroom, his heart almost broke at the sight.

Niall's face was buried deep into the fabric of Liam's shirt as he cried, and Louis could also tell the Liam was fighting back tears as he tried to console his distraught son.

Louis came in and sat down on the other side of Niall wrapping his arms around him and Liam.

The next 5 minutes consisted of the 2 parents hushing, hugging and whispering soothing words to Niall to try and calm him down.

Niall stopped crying eventually and Liam helped him up.

He was now very weak and so Niall leant most of his weight on Liam's body.

Once in Niall's room, Niall crawled into his bed.

"Ok, Ni, there is a bucket beside you on your left side if you need it." Began Liam.

"There is a glass of water on your bedside table if you need it." Continued Louis.

"And I know you don't like it but we have some fever reducing medicine and stomach relaxers to give you." Liam finished. Niall pulled a face. "I know and you know it will make you feel better." Liam added.

"Fine." Niall huffed.

Niall then took begrudgingly, gagging and making Louis shove the bucket under his chin.

And then as promised Louis got in his bed and snuggled with him until he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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