Fun, Fun, Fun....

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4 months had passed and it was almost time for the boys to head back to school. This year would be the year that Zayn would be in Year 2 and and Niall in Year 8.

Since Liam worked as the principal at the boys school he had been going to work for the past couple of days to set up for the new year. He also had to rearrange some of the classrooms as the prep students' rooms had been redone, the junior school art room had been removed and the senior school had a new block full of classrooms.


"Bye boys, be good for papa!" Liam shouted as he ran out of the door.

"Bye daddy!" The two younger boys shouted while Niall just said something that resembled "Bye dad."

Louis looked at his 3 kids after Liam had left.

"Right, what do you boys wanna do today?" Louis asked. Niall shrugged not looking up from his phone. "Nuh uh, not today Ni." Louis chuckled, pulling Niall's phone out of his hand. Niall looks mock offended before bursting into laughter. Louis then looked at the younger 2.

"Daddy." Harry started. "Can we please watch some TV and then play hide-n-seek. But uh before that can we please have breakfast as I'm hungry." Harry said, smiling so sweetly that made Louis feel a bit queasy. It had also been used by Liam against Louis to Liam could get his way and it looked like Harry had picked it up.

"Ok guys." Louis started. " Let's have pancakes then, all aboard the breakfast train." Louis laughed. All the boys giggled.

"Can we help papa?" Niall asked from where he was sitting on the floor, but about to get up.

"Sure can boys."

They all made their way into the kitchen, where they started to make the batter for the pancakes. It took nearly an hour since the family just kept eating the batter and then having to make more.

It was 9am when Harry started wriggling on Louis' hip.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Louis asked looking at Harry.

"Jus' need a wee." Harry murmured into Louis' neck. He shuffled in Louis' arms before lifting his arms up so he could slide out and onto the ground. Harry then walked over to Niall. "Ni Ni take me." Harry said with such a seriousness that Louis and Niall both started giggling.

"Ok Haz, I'll take you to the bathroom, but only since I kinda need to go to." Niall said, jabbing a finger in Harry's direction, which made Harry's eyes well up with tears. "Hey, I didn't mean it, it was a joke, I'm sorry." He said as he picked Harry up and placed him on his hip."Ok, going to the bathroom."Niall muttered as he walked out of the room.

Niall took Harry into the bathroom and placed him on the ground. Harry then tugged town his pyjama pants and sat on the toilet. After Harry had relieved himself he slid of the toilet, flushed it and tugged his pants back up.Niall then walked over, in front of the toilet and aimed at the toilet, as harry stepped up onto the step stool to wash his hands.

"Why you get to stand Ni?" Harry asked cutely as he switched the tap off.

"Cause I know how to aim bud, you don't, you'll be able to when you're older." Niall said, as he too went to wash his hands.

After getting back to the kitchen Harry ran into Louis' arms, who at the current moment was dishing the choc-chip pancakes onto three individual plates. Harry was squealing with excitement in Louis' arms while Niall and Zayn were setting the table and chatting about something that had happened in the latest episode of the show that they watched together.


Right as the finished breakfast harry piped up for the first time since eating.

"Papa, can I learn to aim soon, so I don't have to sit ." He said. Louis burst into laughter, spraying his drink all over the table before raising an eyebrow at Niall.

"Sorry, he saw me going." Niall mouthed.

"Yeah maybe we can teach you to aim soon, I mean you have been potty trained for nearly a year now." Louis said, still giggling.

After Harry finished speaking, Zayn spoke up.

"Can we play hide 'n' seek please." He yelled. Harry nodded his head enthusiastically.

"Yeah, why not?" Louis replied. "Go hide boys!" He shouted, 

"I wanna be the seeker."Harry said.

"Ok, baby, you can. I'll hide along with Zayn and Niall.

Niall, Louis and Zayn all ran off in seperate directions to hide while Harry went upstairs to the playroom, which was the place where the seeker counted to 100.

After counting to 100 (in his 3 year old way) Harry lifted his head from his hands and opened his eyes before shouting.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Harry took off out of the playroom and down the upstairs hallway, running into Zayn and his room. After looking in there and finding nothing, Harry decided to go downstairs.

He ran down the stairs, forgetting about the no running rule.

It was the 3rd stop down that Harry slipped, he yelled in response, as he fell down the remaining 10 steps.

He landed directly on his right arm, as screamed out in pain, before he started to wail and sob.

When Louis had heard the first yell, he immediately ran from his hiding spot (behind the couch in the living room.) to the end of the stairwell.

He could hear crying by now, and immediately knew that it was his youngest, his baby.

He knew the crying belonged to Harry.
Ooh, what happened to Harry's arm, I do because I'm going to start writing the next chapter right away, also, sorry it took me so long to update, I was kinda busy. School's back in full swing. I'll probably update again since I'm home sick, with the flu though not Coronavirus.

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