Treats But Not For Niall...

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"Your arm is broken mister." The doctor told Harry.

Currently Harry was seated on a hospital bed, with an IV in for the pain. It was a struggle to give Harry the IV and Louis had to bribe Harry with more sweets.

"We will have to put him in a splint for the rest of the week, so the swelling can go down, so I'm just going to go get the splinting materials." The doctor spoke.

Liam, who had shown up to the A&E a little while after Harry was taken in, nodded along with Louis.

While the doctor went to go grab the splint supplies Liam and Louis went back to the conversation they were having before the doctor told the news. They were talking about the boys' school when a tiny voice interrupted them.

"Daddy, papa I'm scared. My arm r-re-really h-hurts. "Harry said breaking off into sobs at the end. And unfortunately right when the doctor decided to come back into the room with a trolley full of supplies. 

The doctor frowned at Harry's distraught face, and gave a sympathetic smile to Liam and Louis who were trying to get harry to calm down, as he had seen the scissors that were for cutting the bandage and was down screaming and crying.

"People outside are probably thinking we're trying to murder him or something." Liam muttered under this breath but loud enough for Louis to hear. It earned a chuckle out of the younger man.

Finally after 20 minutes of screaming and crying, Liam resorted to giving Harry his dummy, which they had been trying to wean him off.

Harry immediately stopped crying and latched onto the dummy with his good arm, he then stuck it in his mouth and sucked on it, eyelids growing heaving as he did so.

He nodded off pretty quickly and the doctor got to work on splinting his arm. Grateful that Harry had fallen asleep, since he wouldn't be causing any trouble anymore and he was free to do what he needed to help.

After splinting the arm, the doctor sent the family on their way.

Zayn had woken up and was now walking alongside Niall, Harry was asleep in the stroller, and Liam was pushing the stroller while talking to Louis.

The doctor had insisted on putting Harry's arm in a sling as well as the splint, so the arm was resting against his chest as he slept.

Once they reached the car, and got buckled in, Zayn looked at Liam.

"Hey dad? Can we get a treat? Please? Can we cause Harry was brave." Zayn inquired.

"Doesn't that mean Harry would get the treat? Not you?" Liam replied.

"Yeah I guess. But we all were very patient." He replied, elbowing Niall.

"Dude what the heck!?" Niall whispered shouted, trying not to wake Harry.

"Sorry Ni." He said.

Niall just shoved his headphones in and pressed play on his music before looking out the window.

"I guess we can go get a treat, who wants Mac-Donald's?"

Zayn clapped his hands while Louis rolled his eyes and pulled out of the hospital parking lot, Harry slept on and Niall nodded.


Niall's POV:

We drove for about half and hour, before we pulled into the Macca's parking lot.

"Niall, can you please wake Harry up and get him out of the car for me." Papa asked me.

"Sure." I replied.

I got out of the car and walked around to Harry's side. I opened his door and gently rubbed my hand along the top of his left arm.

His eyes started fluttering and before I knew it Harry was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Where we going?" He slurred, pushing the buckle to his car seat, and reading the straps s he could get out.

As he tried to get his splinted arm out of the car seat though, the sling got tangled in the straps and he started whining. Before I knew it it was started to cry.

"It hurts, i-it hu-hurts." He whimpered.

I quickly helped him before he stuck his arm out and I picked him up and put him on my hip.

My glasses then decided to slip off my nose, and were now only staying on my face by my mouth.

"Papa," I mumbled. "Can I have some help please?" I asked.

Papa turned around and when he saw my situation he chuckled.

I scowled are him before we walked over and took Harry from my grasp.

I pushed my glasses back up and onto my nose, and it took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the glasses.

Funny how much of a difference they make for my vision.

We then walked inside and when the smell of greased food hit me my stomach turned.

That's odd.

We went and sat down after ordering our food.

Zayn, Harry and papa were on one side of the booth while dad and me were on the other side.

I was feeling tired all of a sudden so I gently rested me head on dad's shoulder.

He looked at me.

"Everything alright bud?" He asked me.

"My stomach hurts." I mumbled.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is this because the attentions on Harry and not you?" He asked me.

"No." I said offended. "I'm going to the bathroom." I said taking my head off dad's shoulder.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Papa asked me since he overheard the the last part of the conversation.

"No, I'm not a baby, I'll be fine." I deadpanned, getting up from my seat.

I followed the signs to the toilets, since we barely ever went to this venue.

I  then pushed on the door and it swung open before I walked inside.

After looking at myself in the mirror and relieving myself, I walked back outside and to our table.

I could see that our food had arrived from afar, and when I got to the table the smell was overwhelming and my stomach turned. I gripped on the table before I gagged into my fist, playing it off as a cough.

I could tell that the gag wasn't the only thing that was happening, my stomach was definitely upset, as I quickly felt  I needed the bathroom again.

My stomach turned once more before I keeled over, vomiting all over the floor. I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment and I could hear dad or papa getting up.

I was glad our table was in the corner of the restaurant.

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