Monday, June 5th, 2017

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It is my last day of being a Freshman and honestly nothing feels different. I am excited for next year. I hope my plans go very well and it isn't as boring as this year. I do need to change certain things about myself.

For example, it is a MUST for me to quit procrastinating! Also, I need to learn my limits and not take anything lightly. To stop focusing on what others think about me. Lastly, to always keep my eyes on my goals.

Let's hope Sophomore year is a lot more exciting and filled with new experiences. Let's leave everything behind and start fresh. Natasha! I hope that by the end of summer you finally get the summer body you promised me last time. 

Wait, wait did you finally get your earrings??? How do they look? 

A/N: Yes I got my earrings and they look nice. Also, that summer body is still on standby maybe during quarantine it will happen. 

1. Do you have earrings?

2. What grade are you in?

3. What was you favorite: High School, Middle School or Elementary?

Dear DiaryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant