Monday, May 8th, 2017

6 1 0

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who feels this... What I mean is everywhere you walk or go, it feels like no one likes you, they just judge your flaws. When I am in class the atmosphere feels heavy because everyone around me has something rude to say, but they say in their minds. That's honestly worse, it's hard to decipher who truly is your friend or not.

You're sitting in class trying to pay attention to the stupid math problems, but you just can't concentrate. A feeling surrounds you, it feels like you are locked in a dark lonely room, no way out, no windows, and your worst fear is in there with you. It becomes hard to think or move due to the paralyzing fear consuming you. 

Then your worst fear begins to mess with your mind, confusing you, to either slit your wrists or become someone in life. It's aggravating to be stuck in your stupid mind, sometimes it makes you feels crazy. Just like I feel right now.

'Come on Natasha pay attention!' I scold myself, looking up at the board and there are formulas that I prefer to ignore. Seriously who needs to know what 'x' equals or what the slope is, when will I need that in life? Writing in my journal is the one thing keeping me awake. My friend is next to me knocked out, should I wake her? Actually no, sleeping is better than being in school. Damn just a few more weeks and I will be on summer vacation.

I guess this enough for today, talk to you tomorrow, uhh bye bye. 

A/N: Oh math is the worst, extremely irrelevant. My favorite subject is anything that has to do with Health. For 4 years I have been in a Sports Med. program which is the best! 

- What is your favorite subject?

- Which is your least favorite?

- Do you guys over think as well? 

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