$Do you want to come down with me?$

$Yes. Then I can protect you from the new man,$ Akira replied. They moved to the bed, placing their hand next to Akira's body, and allowing her to slide up their arm. She moved up to their shoulder before disappearing under their shirt, wrapping comfortingly around their waist. After a bit of manoeuvring, Akira managed to get comfortable, her head resting on their shoulder.

Alex headed back downstairs, not entirely looking forward to this conversation. They reached the living room and found the couch free for them. Remus knew them so well. They sat down, both men watching them. Remus was the first to break the silence.

"Sirius, this is my child, Alex."

"It's nice to meet you Alex," Sirius said, leaning forward.

"I wish I could say the same, Black," they replied coolly. Sirius looked at Remus, probably asking why Alex had replied that way.

"Alex," Remus began.

"I said that I would meet him. Not that I would like it. I still remember." They leaned back, crossing their arms. Remus nodded.

"So, you're 11, yes?" they nodded in confirmation. "Well, when did this happen Moony? We were still together 11 years ago, when Harry was born. Did you adopt or something?" Sirius asked.

"Yes Black, I'm adopted. Do you have a problem with that?" they asked, before Remus could reply.

"No, not at all. I was just wondering when you were adopted. Moony used to be around all the time and he never mentioned having a daughter." They scowled at that. Akira also seemed to have taken offence at that statement because she moved her head, drawing Sirius' attention to her. She raised herself up higher, looping behind their neck to stabilise her extra height.

$How dare you. How dare you call my Alex a girl. How dare you. Idiot.$ Sirius recoiled; a look of fear evident on his face. Akira kept hissing, but Alex stopped paying attention to her ranting. Remus had raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Why the hell does your daughter have a snake around her neck!" Sirius exclaimed. Alex scowled even more.

"For your information, Sirius, I don't have a daughter. I never have. Alex is my child. And that is Alex's familiar," Remus said, voice cold. They raised a hand, stroking the scales behind their neck. Akira slowly calmed down, moving off of Alex and onto the back of the couch.

"Why would you let your daughter have a snake familiar?"

"I. Am. Not. His. Daughter," they ground out.

"Alex is non-binary Sirius. Get it right," Remus added. Sirius looked back and forth between them for a while before speaking.

"That's not a thing though. There's only two genders," he said.

"Why do you insist on believing that Sirius. You're part of the LGBT community. Why do you keep insisting that the T isn't real?" Remus asked.

"It's fine Remus. I didn't expect his views to have changed. My 'dear Uncle' has been saying that since I was five." Their sarcastic tone on dear Uncle made Remus laugh while Sirius just looked confused.


{Sirius' POV}

"Uncle?" Sirius asked. He was extremely confused now. How did Alex know his views hadn't changed? And why did she... he... they, whatever, call him uncle? They had never met the kid, why would he be referred to as uncle? Alex glared at him.

"Of course, you don't remember me. No one does."

"I'm sorry? I've never met you before," he offered.

"Maybe you should properly introduce yourself Alex," Remus suggested. Sirius looked back and forth between them, utterly lost.

"Properly introduce yourself?" he echoed. Alex sighed before looking him straight in the eyes.

"My name is Alex Potter, originally Lexa Lily Potter. Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble houses of Potter and Black. Eldest child to Lily and James Potter, twin of Harry James Potter."

As Alex spoke, a sharp pain began to fill his head. He clutched his head, trying to stop the pain. It felt like his mind was being overwhelmed, but by what, he couldn't say. As Alex finished talking, a barrier blocking his memories broke and he passed out, memories completely filling his mind.

The birth of the twins. Remus holding Lexa while he held Harry. Swapping children and adoring how cute Lexa was.

Letting the twins ride on his back while he was Padfoot. Lexa holding his fur tightly as he ran.

Lexa's first display of magic at 1 and a half, years before Harry's. Playing with their stuffed stag, doe, grim, wolf and rat and causing the rat to burst into flames.

Their first birthday. Giving Harry a toy broom and Lexa a play wand. Lexa using the play wand to bring their other toys to them.

The night of the attack. Rushing upstairs and grabbing Harry while Remus grabbed Lexa. Holding the Potter family close as they all realised how close they had come to death.

Being told by Dumbledore that Harry was the boy who lived without even examining Lexa.

Slowly pushing Lexa aside to play with Harry. Telling Lexa that he would play with them later.

Entering the kitchen and finding Dumbledore there, waiting to talk with him, Lily and James about Harry's future. How Dumbledore said that Lexa would be a distraction. That Harry needed all of their attention. It would be 'for the greater good,' he said.

Of his vision being filled with white as Dumbledore erased all their memories of Lexa.

Suddenly, everything made sense. How Remus would disappear for large amounts of time every time it was Harry's birthday. Because it was Lexa's birthday as well.

How Remus would come to the Potters house but disappear and then leave, barely playing with Harry.

How Remus had drifted apart from them, how he stopped using their nicknames when Harry was 6.

How Remus hadn't visited again after Harry's 7th birthday. How he'd cut all communication.

Of course, Remus would hate them for forgetting about Lexa. Lexa was his goddaughter. He hadn't forgotten about Lexa like they had. But he didn't know what Dumbledore had done.

Of course, Remus was Lexa's guardian. Lily and James were unfit to care for them, they didn't even know they existed. But it wasn't their fault.

And it was all Dumbledore's fault.

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