"FICK DICH!" Leon roared over the wail of tires as the cab sped away. Scoffing, Leon scooped up his now soaking bag. Making a metal list of all the items he may have to replace, he turned on his gps app and followed the A.I.'s voice to his hotel, cursing the taxi driver the whole way.

After walking down, a group of men huddles under some shop eaves caught his attention. Packed together smoking cigarettes, they muttered while passing a lighter around. One cures as the lighter clicked, but only sparks appeared.

An idea struck Leon, rifling through his pockets until he found what he wanted. Waving the item in the air, Leon offered it up. "Lighter?"

The group eyed Leon for a moment, before accepting the lighter. The man closest to him regarded him with slight curiosity. "Why you out in this weather? You are clearly not from here."

Leon let out a humorless laugh. "Well... I may or may not have pissed off my taxi driver. I'm trying to get to Godrick Fellows & Co. Hotel, can you give me a ride?"

Five minutes later, Leon was in a nice warm, dry car ready for a twenty-minute ride across town to his destination. Leon could not believe his plan worked. Always carry a lighter kids, even if you don't smoke.

Soon, they were only two minutes away, the rain ceased leaving behind a light mist. Peaceful, that's how it felt. All was quiet, sunlight cut through the clouds casting strange shadows though the mist, it was refreshingly cool with a light breeze.

Now one major thing Leon learned during his time chasing this girl was her gift. That gift was not leaving unnoticed, blessing him with clever riddles, and always somehow having the money to accommodate her traveling needs. It was her talent to appear in the most unexpected places at the most random times.

"Just past this intersection is your building."

"Thank you, light's re-." horns blared at a speeding car cutting across the two lanes, jolted forward, Leon clutched at anything he could grip.

"See? This why kids..." the man's voice faded away, oblivious that Leon was not listening to a single word he was saying. There, sitting in the back of some beat up pick-up truck was a girl. Wavy, blond hair pulled into a messy bun glowed in the sunlight. Clear, blue eyes rolled as she lightly touched her bun, a huge smile adorned her face. No doubt commenting on how her hair frizzes in mist.

Talking away with her riding buddy, she pulled an oversized sweater he never seen before close to her body. Her riding buddy, a girl probably fourteen started tying her companion's boot. Whether she sensed him staring at her or she just happened to look in his direction out of sheer luck he will never know, but that did not matter. Clear blue eyes met icy blue ones, her smile dropped, a look of surprise told Leon what he already knew. She didn't plan to see him yet.

"Charlie." he breathed. The name foreign, yet familiar at once.

"CHARLIE!" out of pure instinct, he yelled her name. The bouncer driving jumped at Leon's sudden shout.


"The girl in front of us I know her! Follow that truck!"

"No, no! She is in another lane I cannot move! Besides, it small town. You find her again."

"NOT ON HER WATCH!" Leon gave a growl of irritation once the light turned green. In that moment, he decides to pull a very stupid move.


"SCREW IT! DROP MY STUFF OFF! I'LL COME BACK!" leaping out of the car, darting past cars accelerating, Leon beelined his way to the truck. The look on Charlie's face screamed how she did not expect this. Her head tilted to the side, curiosity mingled with pondering.

If you're pondering if you pushed the envelope with this little stunt. Yes, yes you did push the fucking envelope. WHY FUCKING GERMANY? Tired of angry drivers blaring their horns, and cursing him, Leon ran on the sidewalk shoving past any person in his way. By now Charlie was laughing, amused by his actions and impatience. Her companion no doubt was asking why a crazy blond haired man chased after their truck. Knowing Charlie, she will not answer.

"Aaaaaand, she's gone." just a block away, the truck turned a corner escaping sight. Still running, Leon knew what would happen next. Reaching the corner, the sight of an empty truck bed parked by the curb in front of a bakery. Maybe she left a clue in the bed? Slowing down to a jog, he approached the truck. Nothing... not even bird crap covered the bed.

"Mr. Audrie?" the voice was timid, soft, and right behind him.

"Yes?" There before him was the fourteen-year-old girl. She trembled slightly under his gaze, swallowing nervously, the girl produced a small envelope.

"Charlie said you need this."

"Thanks." He did not even bother opening it, just shoved it into his jacket pocket. An awkward silence fell between them... until he broke it.

"I'm sorry, didn't give her a chance to say a proper goodbye." A small smile adorned the girl's face.

"But she said goodbye, that was enough."

"Yeah...she never leaves without doing some form of goodbye." That was one trait Leon did like about Charlie, and he never understood why.

"Go home, from what she told me you have a long road ahead of you." A hint of playfulness laced the girl's words. A soft chuckle left Leon's lips.

"Thanks kid." Giving a small smile and a wave goodbye, Leon left. Once again, a small chuckle slipped out. This was so typical of Charlie, dancing around just in reach and then gone once more.

"Back to square one, I guess." The clue in his pocket led to others hidden all around. Leon is ready, he will be Sherlock Holmes and find them, crack them, follow them, all the way to Charlie. That is, when she was ready to be found. Until then, God only knows where she is... and Leon M. Audrie was okay with that.

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