Chapter 5

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Gun was sitting in a corner, watching silently his new gang's members having fun together. The boss was supposed to meet them here, in their warehouse, and they were all waiting for him. He had something to say, a new mission apparently. Maybe it was what Joss mentioned on his first training day. By the way, the young man did not seem to trust him yet. Joss was indeed very distant, had always an eye on him, and sometimes, he asked some weird questions... Otherwise, everyone else seemed to have already accepted him in the gang, and it was a good news for his real mission. But he did not dare to get too close to them... He was scared of getting attached which would compromise his agreement with Tay.

Suddenly, everyone stood up and Gun saw Off's car stopping in front of the building.

"What's up boss !"

"How are you guys ?"

"Fine, so what's that thing you wanted to tell us ?" Asked Joss,

"Let's get inside first."

They all joined a big room with many chairs that was probably used for meeting and reunion of this type. Off saw Gun in the back of the warehouse and motioned for him to come.

"Ok... You remembered Oab ? The guy that stole our goods some weeks ago ? I found him, he is hiding but he has been seen several times in a gay club not so far from Mond's apartment. We need to get back what he stole from us. Also, you all will be free to take whatever you want from him, he is very rich. Anyway, I have a plan, and the main asset we have is Gun."

He stopped as everyone stared at the young boy who looked up when he heard his name.

"I'll explain to you later and... What are these noises ?"

"What noises ?"

Suddenly, the door crashed down and four armed guy entered the room. Everyone startled. One of them got closer to Off and with a naughty smile, he asked if this latter remembered him. Of course he did. He was an ex-employee of his company who had been fired for illegal activities. Joss stood up as he felt the danger coming, but another guy pointed his gun on him.

"What do you want ?" Asked Off with a deep voice that made Gun shivered,

"Money. After I lost my job, I lost everything else. My wife, my house, my money... I need a lot so I can ran away of this country and build a new life somewhere else. And you... You freaking rich asshole, you gonna fill my pockets of money !"

"How much?"

"I want fifty thousand."

"Are you crazy ?" Shouted Mond, but another guy stood in front of him,

"I don't have it."

"Of course you have and I'm giving you three days to give it to me."

It was impossible. Off was trying to find a solution, but he was scared his members got injured, or worst, shot down. He met Gun's eyes who were full of concern and of fear, he was new to all of this and as his boss, he had to protect him. Plus, none of his members seemed to have their weapon with them. A big mistake.

"Let's talk about it outside, just the two of us, let them all out of it."

"Why would I ? Did you let my wife out of this ? Even my parents left me after what you did to me !"

"You cannot blame me for something you did yourself. I fired you because of the illegal software you were creating within my own business !"

This is where things got complicated. Joss tried to intervene and one of the three other men started to shot. Everyone panicked and tried to leave the room so they could get their weapons. Everyone but Gun. He was petrified, he did not know what to do, and the intruders noticed it since one pointed his weapon on him. Without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger making everyone scream. With shock, Gun's eyes met Off's as this latter fell down in his arms. The boss had move in front of him before the bullet touched him. Joss did not have enough time to react, all the guys left in a second, but Mild managed to shot one of them on the leg.

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