Chapter 1

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Off sighed while looking at his phone. It's been hours since he sent Sing to one of their biggest customer so as to deliver the goods they ordered. What was taking him so long ? He threw his cigarette away and checked his phone once again. He could not afford to waste his time at the moment, he deeply needed this money, and so his gang does... If this brat was messing around, he will make sure he'll pay for keeping him waiting that long. He called him again, but as expected, no answer. Fortunately, he heard someone knocking at his office's door. He furiously opened it, ready to shout at Sing, but instead, he met Joss's eyes.

"What do you want ? I don't have time for you, do you know where the f**k Sing is ? The hell is he doing ?"

"Boss... That's why I'm here..." he paused, waiting for his leader's attention. This latter turned around to face him, an intrigued expression on the face. Then, he said warily, as clear as possible so he will not have to repeat "Sing has been killed..."

Off opened big eyes and frown, his anger increasing.

"What did you say?"

"He went to the meeting, the customers were pretty satisfied and paid well...But those assholes of the GMM gang were there too... Apparently, we have the same customer... I don't know how it happened but they argued and Sing had just a little time to call me and explained the situation before it got too far..."

"Get out... GET OUT !" He shout, feeling his blood accelerating in his veins. He hit the table with his hand, and let out a deep grunt full of anger. Those assh*les kept putting their nose in his business recently, and now, they got rid of one of his most faithful member ?

It was too much, if they wanted the war, they'll get it. He furiously opened the door, let it crash against the wall in a loud rustle. Everyone turned their face to meet their boss's eyes. They silently watched him putting his weapon in his waistband, and followed him when they saw him getting outside.

"Everyone in the van right now." Were the only words he pronounced, until they reach a place they all knew too well.

"Hum... Boss, I don't think it is a good idea... You're pissed off and you're acting under the effect of your emotions... Getting there will bring nothing but problems for our gang... We could all get killed actually..." Said Joss carefully.

"They killed Sing... They knew the consequences this act would engender, and they still did not have mercy on him... He was alone against those b*tches, I gonna send them all to hell !"

"You're right ! Let's take revenge ! For Sing..." Confidently pressed out Mild with a determined voice.

"I'm actually with Joss for that one... I don't think getting inside is a good idea..." Retorted New.

"Shut up y'all ! I'm getting in, you, you stay there."

"What ? Boss, we can not let you get inside alone, it is too risky !" Exclaimed Arm with worried eyes.

"I'm coming with you." Said Joss, "And I do not take no as an answer"

"I'm the leader of this gang, and I am the one who's allowed to take decisions. You stay here, end of the discussion."

He brutally closed the vehicle's door, checked if his gun was still with him, then, he walked toward the club, under his gang's look. He got stopped by two tall men wearing black clothes hiding big guns.

"Only VIP membres can enter this place. Show your card or get away."

Off smirked and took his identity card from the hidden pocket of his jacket.

"Before asking a VIP card, ask first who I am the next time."

The man apologised and opened the door for the young man. But when he was about to enter, he got stopped again.

"No weapons are allowed inside. Leave it here."

Off sighed and put his gun aside. He looked at them with contemptuous eyes and disappeared in the club, without even looking back to the van, where all the members were waiting with fear.

"We can not let him alone ! Look, he isn't even armed anymore !"

"Keep your calm Mond, he knows what he does... At least I hope" muttered Joss without taking off his eyes from the club's door.

It was a loud place, full of neons lights, of beautiful women half naked, and with a giant bar in the background. In the middle, a huge dancefloor was already full of people that were moving their bodies weirdly, their veins utter filled of alcohol or some others substances. It was not the first time he came here, so he knew exactly where to go. He passed through the dancers, walking between peoples, until reaching the dark corner where the stairs were leading to the first floor. He got upstairs, where he met plenty of "bodyguards". He sighed again, and showed his identity card.

"M. Tay was waiting for you."

Off was not surprised by this information, and he let himself getting led to the boss's office. He opened the door without hesitation, and looked around the room with unruffled eyes. He thought he would be alone with Tay, but he was wrong. Familiar faces were standing in front of him, some sitting on a sofa, others smoking on the balcony. He recognized Krist, the oldest member of GMM, Godji was there too, Pod, Chimon, and... He frowned. Who was that ?

"That's Gun, my little brother." Smiled Tay as if he could read his mind.

The said Gun looked up at him. Off blinked to be sure he wasn't facing a young girl. His flawless and clear skin, plus his beautiful pink lips could let think he is a cute little girl. They looked at each other for seconds, and as nothing interesting was happening, Gun looked back on his phone with a bored face. His little brother ? He did not know Tay had a brother... It was surely a good information for him. For his revenge. But how come he revealed his identity to him, his highest enemy ? He felt something fishy.

As Off was not talking, Tay opened his mouth again while sitting on the table in a nonchalant movement.

"I was sure you would come. I heard what happened earlier, I was not there, I did not give any order... It was just a little fight between my men and yours, and I guess it got out of control."

"A little fight you said ? It cost the life of one of my man. Do you really think I'll let this pass that easily ? You did not give any orders, but those stupid dudes are under your responsibility, so it is as much your fault as it is their."

Tay lost his smile. He did not like being taken from above.

"So... What'you want ? Money ? I'll pay for that mistake."

"I don't want anything... For now... But whatever it will be in the future, be sure I'll get it." He said while intensely looking towards Gun's direction. He already knew how he will get his revenge.

"As you want... Now leave, I don't want any fight, tonight the club is full."

Tay turned around and showed his back as a sign of end of discussion. Off did not stay much longer and got out of the club, actually a bit surprised about how welly their conversation passed. From outside, it could appear like a very polite conversation, but the tension between them could kill. They both was preparing something, and they both know about it.

"Boss... What did he mean when he said he'll get it ? What was he talking about ?" Asked Krist, curious.

"I don't know..." Said Tay before gazing at his brother, "But be sure to keep an eye on Gun..."


So that was the first chapter, thank you for reading it. I hope you liked it, and do not hesitate to tell me what you think about it, I love feedbacks hihi !

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