Chapter 2

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"A younger brother ?" Screamed Arm with his eyes wide opened, "How come I've never heard about it ?"

"Same here..." Replied Joss, making everyone nodded.

"I know, I was surprised too, but something is bothering me..." Said the boss, his eyes focused on an invisible point showing that he was lost in his thoughts.

Everyone looked at him, frowning.

"Why Tay immediately told me his identity ? He should know it is dangerous to introduce members of his family to his worst enemy, isn't it ?"

"You got a point..." Pressed out Mild

"Maybe we should ask him directly !" Smirked Singto, "We could kidnap him ? We will ask him informations about GMM, and when he will be useless, we could just kill him... If they took us Sing, we should do the same to them !"

"I don't know if it is a good idea... This is the best way to start a war between our two gangs..." Pointed out New with a worried voice

"The war has already started. I validate your idea Singto, you'll be assigned of this mission with Mook, Joss and Mond." Said Off before standing out and walking towards his Office. "I want him in the warehouse tonight, you can take the van."


The BLs members were waiting in the van, keeping an eye on the entry of the GMM's club from afar. They already saw Cize, Pod and Chimon leaving the place. Godji and Krist were talking in front of the door, and Mond was sure they saw them.

"Krist looked at me in the eyes... He saw us !"

"What are you talking about ? If he would have seen us, we would've already been in troubles don't you think ?"

"But he said something to the woman and she looked at us after that !"

"Mond, if you're not okay with kidnapping him, you can stay here, we will do the job. P'Off told us he was a tiny guy, and half of the gang has already left, it won't be that hard."

Mond sighed, but got cut off in his thought when Tay showed up. Krist muttered something in his ears, and they all could feel a little bit of fidget before a car arrived. They all got in and disappeared in the city.

BLs waited a little, looking to each other with confusion.

"Wait... They all left ? But I did not see Gun... Do you think he is still inside ?" Asked Mook.

As an answer, a small and tiny boy got out of the club. He seemed a bit lost and looked around him as if he was seeking for something.

"Dark hair, pink lips, white skin, and small and tiny body... This guy looks perfectly like the boy Off described to us earlier !" Pressed out Joss with a naughty smile.

"How come they all left him behind ? I mean, he is their leader's brother, that is so weird !" Exclaimed Mond,

"You always worry for nothing ! Just stay here, we will get him !" Replied Singto.

They got out of the van, slowly and carefully, and Mook approached him with a kind of sad face.

"Excuse me boy, I am a bit lost, could you help me for a second ?"

The young boy looked a bit reluctant at first, and he stepped back when he saw Joss arriving. This guy was tall and strong !

"Please ?" Insisted Mook with a reassuring smile.

"Would you mind showing us the way ?" Followed Singto,

"I'm sorry, I'm not from here, I do not know this place more than you, now excuse me I have to go."

Then, everything went pretty fastly. Before he left, Joss caught him from behind and Mook immediately put a tissue full of drug that made him sleep almost instantly.

"That was easier than I thought !" Sais Joss while carrying the sleeping boy in his arms, and putting

"Yes... Strangely easy..."


Off opened the door and saw him, immobile, sitting on a chair he was tied up to, a bag on his head.

"Good job" he muttered,"Now please get out, I'll take care of him".

He approached him and saw him startled when he heard his steps coming closer. Off took off the bag slowly, discovering his pretty face. He was blinking a lot, his eyes not being used of the clear light yet. His has messy hair, a long T-Shirt way too big for him, and a little bag was still around his torso. He took it and looked inside silently, under Gun's eyes, an unfazed expression on his face. Off found his identity Card, a lipstick, a small knife, a gun, and a broken phone. His name was Gun Atthaphan Phoosawat, which was pretty weird since Tay's name was Tawan. If he had been fooled, Off will be very pissed...

"Do you recognise me ?" He asked with a little smile, breaking the silence between them.

Gun nodded, looking terrified.

"I'll ask it once, and you better not make me repeat it." He said with a deep and threatening voice, "Are you really Tay's brother ?"

Gun looked at him in the eyes, he seemed scared and Off thought he was ready to cry... It was a pretty weird behaviour from a member of a gang. He waited a few minutes, but the young boy did not answer, not even moved. Off sighed.

"Listen, you better not get on my nerves..."

But his question remains without answer. Off was staring at him with intensity, as if he was trying to read his mind. His eyes went from his soft hair, came on his dark pupil and long lashes, went down on his beautiful nose, to end on those pouty and pink lips. He was... surprisingly cute. Off was not used of this kind of pretty face, in his everyday life, he was more used to meet people with scar everywhere on their face... He was a bit too perfect for this world, just like a doll.

He waited a little longer, and at the end, he gave up. He stood up, walked towards the door, and before leaving, he turned his face a little bit, saying upon his shoulder :

"You're very cute, it is such a pity I have to damage this pretty face... But I guess I have no choice. Let me introduce you my best member, you know him already. His name is Joss, have fun with him !"

He got out of the room and before Joss entered the place, he muttered :

"Don't hurt him too much... I... I still need him in good state".


Thank you for reading it, I hope you liked this new chapter, the next one will be published as soon as possible !

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