22.) * Cry *

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{Raleigh's POV.}

     Alpha Quinn and Dakota just stare at each other – no one saying a word.

     Dakota's eyes flashed with pain and fear. I wonder what's up with his and Ellis's relationship.

     Brock ends the staring contest, by grabbing Quinn's arm. "We need to go, now.." Brock's grip tighten up when Alpha just stared at Dakota. "...This is all your fault!" Dakota's little mate shouted. My wolf almost snapped, as I looked from the hospital room, to the girl.

     My wolf took over in a matter of seconds.

     "R-Raleigh, don't." Quinn uses that damn Alpha Tone and, Wisdom, my wolf, goes away. "You can't leave yet, not until she's okay.." Dakota barely moved his parted lips, as he bowed and stared at the tiled floor.

     I felt Quinn getting shaky, "This is my fault.." He whispers over and over, sounding like he's trying not to convince himself.

     "Follow me, to where you three will be staying.." Dakota slumps his broad shoulders, and leads out of the hospital and back into the quad.

     All I was thinking about was if Ellis was gonna be okay.

     The whole day, the three of us were gloomy. Quinn was more stressed than ever, and he visited Ellis everyday. Brock just kept this straight face all the time; like he was thinking about something.

     Someone rapped at my new bedroom door, and I got up from the bed.

     Garrett, my mate, appeared, with a teary face. "What's-" I tried asking, but he cut me off. "I'm sorry! I don't deserve you! Your too pure, angelic, adorable and beautiful! I'm not pure! I'm not angelic either!" He shouted, as he started crying.

     I've never really seen him cry like this. It made me get all emotional.

     Before I knew it, I was sobbing with him. We cuddled, and watched TV most of the day.

{Dakota's POV.}

     Since Essence and I have been fighting for a while now, I've decided to take her to the most fanciest restaurant ever.

     "Hurry up, baby!" She called from the bedroom. I was examining my outfit, in the bathroom. "I'm coming!" I call back, with as much anger in my voice as she did.

     I was devastated when I had, unintentionally, took out Ellis. I couldn't get her outta my mind. I had to get her off my mind somehow, so I decided to take my mate out for the night.

     I walk out, and see my gorgeous mate. Although my wolf wasn't too excited.

     "Shall we?" She links her arm around mine, and I walk her out, and into the quad. I take her to the front gate, where the limo awaits. She awes and swoons about how much I love her. I do, really, but ever since Ellis appeared, I don't know anymore.

    I open up the door for her, and I sit next to her. "Dakota, you do too much for me.." She gushes, but I don't understand what she means. If I do too much, why does she still as for more?

     I sigh, and smile at her, as I am in thought. She doesn't notice, and continues talking about our love and relationship.

     Once we reach the restaurant, Essence is beet red. I laughed, and escorted her to the entrance.

     We are seated quickly, and Essence admires the restaurant. "Wow... This is beautiful..." She awes, and I put my hand on top of her hand. "Your beautiful.." I whisper, looking into her eyes for a response. I get a dry Thank You, and nothing else.

     Essence eye rapes the waiter the whole night. I really couldn't believe her.

     My wolf was angry at her. Big time.

     We left the restaurant, and I was still angry with her.


I know it's lame and short, I'm starting a new book called, Bad Girl Vs. Bad Boy, I think you'll like it! It's not done, and I JUST started it today. And, I got sick, so that's why this chap is LAME ASF!


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