10.) * Pack Dinner *

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I turned on my side, feeling how comfortable this bed is. Sighing, I wrapped myself in the neon colored sheets. I could surely get used to this... Just as my eyes closed, the door creaked open. Not feeling well enough to see who it was, I just listened. "You sure that this is the right room?" I heard a girl's voice question.

"Yeah, Alpha Dakota said this room..." A guy's voice said. I was hated when someone other than an Alpha woke me up. "What's her name?" The guy asked, walking over to the right side of the bed. "Ellis Whilst, she's a White Snow...too" The girl explained. "Cool, she's a Snow!" The guy cheered.

He was so loud... I groaned, twisting my body, so that I was on my right side... "Wow, she's adorable..." The guy laughed, and I heard him sit on the bed. And the girl sat on the other side. "Wow, look at her hair...that's different.." The girl croaked.

"Look at her pale skin, I think its cute" The guy chuckled, poking my cheek. I try not to giggle, while he pokes at me. "Those eyelashes!" The girl pipped in. "I want to see her eyes..." The girl added, getting off the bed. The two stood up, off the bed...

"Let's wake her up" The guy was whispering now. "Ellis?" The girl began to shake me. I groaned, crawling into a ball in the bed. "Ellis!" The guy sighed, "You have to get up..." I kicked his hand away. "Wow..." He pulled his hand back. "I gotta an idea!" The guy told the girl...

They whispered back and forth, until I felt both of them jump on the bed. I still didn't budge, only a bit. "Tickle time!" They attack my stomach, and I burst with laughter. I keep my eyes closed, as they keeping going. "Stop...St.. Stoop!" I trying pushing their hands away, and eventually they stop.

They crawl off the bed, and watch me open my eyes. "Please, don't do that!" I'm still laughing, they giggled, and I open my eyes. "Whoa...look she's got catty eyes!" The guy came closer, almost poking my eye out. He had black hair, with black pupils. The girl had black hair and brown eyes.

"Why did you two wake me?" I pout, folding my arms. They mimick my movement answering my question. "Alpha Dakota wants you at dinner... And dinner is in a hour, get ready..we will be back for you!" The guy threw his arms up, and the two left the room..

I groaned, remembering what Dakota had mentioned.. He was gonna make me a member of NorthStar, tonight. I sifted, so I faced the walk in closet from my bed. I swiftly got up, but stopped at the windows. The scenery was beautiful... The sun was on its way down, slowly.

I saw a couple of people walking around the quad in the middle of the surrounding buildings. I stopped staring, and went to the closet. The closet's door was white, and the knob was a golden color. I twist the knob, and when I open it, colorful clothing hangs on the lower walls, and all the way to the back, it all the latest shoes.

"Am I in Heaven?" I murmur, skipping to the shoes. There was court tennis shoes, to the most elegant pumps I've ever seen. I check out some of the dresses. There are summer dresses, to sexy dresses. I am very amazed... I walked out of the closet, and opened the other door, closest to the bed.

I saw a large tub, and a shower. There were two sinks, with mirrors. A toilet stood across from the bath, by the shower. I was in heaven...

I stripped off my clothes, and jumped into the tub, literally... I dunked my head into the warm water, and just lay the tub. I wish Raleigh was here... She's missing out...

After soaking for about thirty minutes, I get out. I let my hair air dry, as I ransack the closet, for some pretty clothes. I look at some cute floral dresses, and flannel dresses. I find a black floral button down shirt, with a short black skirt. I pick out some black tights, with black moccasins.

As I sit on the couch, waiting for my escorts, I walk some TV.

When my escorts finally arrive, they introduce themselves.

"Oh yeah I forgot, I'm Ashton... A guard in NorthStar..." The guy said, scratching his stomach. "And, I'm Oni, another lady guard in NorthStar..." The girl said, watching the TV. "Let's go..." Ashton said, leading the way to the door. I wasn't done watching Scandal, so I recorded it...

As we made our way to a quite smaller version of the resting quarters, the are making their way in, too. When we enter, Ashton leads us to a table, with two guys and another girl. The walls are a dark red, with a black ceiling. Different voices blast through the dining area.

"Guys, this is Ellis Whilst, she's special..." Oni says, pointing at me. "Hi! I'm. Nash." A guy speaks slowly, as of I'm stupid. "Aye, I'm Maximum" A guy spoke, waving his hand. I waved back. And the girl introduced herself, "I'm Jess, nice to meet ya..." She has a country tang in her accent... Nice..

"She is a White Snow...isn't that great!" Ashton said, amazed. "That's awesome!" Maximum fist pounded Ashton. "Yeah, you can tell...look at her eyes..." Nash pointed out, staring intently. I blinked like twice.. "Are those contacts?" Jess asked, picking at the table's cloth.

"Nope, these are real..." I point at my eye, and the gasp. "No!" Nash argued. Just then, I heard Dakota's smooth voice over everyone else's in the room... "Excuse me, everyone!" Everybody sat down, and was quiet within two minutes. I sat next to Maximum and Nash.

"Welcome, everyone, to a very special dinner..." Dakota smiled at everyone, and I smiled back, he hasn't seen me yet. "Well, as being the Alpha's son, I have a lot of responsibilities..." He told everyone. "And, when out in the forest, I found a wonderful and very beautiful thing..." Was he talking about me?

He looked over the crowd, and we made swift eye contact. He dazzled me with his smile, and said one more thing, "Can you come up here, Ellis Whilst?" I flinched, and disconnected our contact. Everyone laid their eyes on me, and I stood up. My kneels became wobbly, as I walkrd to the stage, yup...they have a stage...

Once I made it to the stage, Dakota reached for my wrist. "And this is a very rare wolf.." He added, "She's the last White Snow on the face of the earth." I smiled, weakly. I looked out at the crowd...they were smiling up at me with some type of adoration... "And tonight...she will become a member of NorthStar!"

Dakota and the crowd cheered. I couldn't help but feel loved. I held Dakota's grip on my wrist tighten. "I need to cut your arm...only for our bloods to contact, so your actually part of NorthStar..." He whispered into my ear. I nodded, in acceptance. He gripped it a bit tighter.

It really didn't hurt, really... A few moments later, I felt my warm blood trickle down my arm. Dakota pressed his bleeding arm next to mine... Our blood connected, and I felt really powerful and lived by all these people. "Now its official... Ellis Whilst is now a member of NorthStar!" Everyone stood up, and cheered.

My skin cleared all the blood and the small scrap, as Dakota's did the same. He looked over to me, giving me his smile, and I gladly returned it. "Let's eat!" I heard Nash shout, and everyone was served with a different varieties of food...

After the dinner, I was escorted to my room, by Ashton, Oni, Jess, Maximum and Nash. I jumped on my bed, and went to sleep...with a full tummy...

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