Mission 16- Nowhere to run

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The Grimm known as the Nuckelavee screeched loudly, ringing in everyone's ears. Aruka barely had time to block an incoming attack from the Demon next to it, as it sent tendrils as sharp as blades at him. "Damn it!" Aruka cursed as he should have paid more attention to the surroundings. He looked over to Qrow still laying against the tree that Jaune and Ruby set him against. "Jaune! Grab Qrow and get him somewhere safe now! I'll hold off the demon!" Aruka yelled.

The Nuckelavee stared at team RNJR, with quick quivering movement as it's head looked back and forth across all the team members with rapid movement. This was unsettling to Aruka and most certainly to team RNJR. Jaune listened to Aruka and began running to Qrow and picked him up but the Nuckelavee threw it's arm at Jaune barely missing him and slamming into the ground creating a hole. "How strong is that thing?" Aruka muttered, but was interrupted by an attack from the Demon that sent him crashing into a destroyed building.

The demon then turned it's attention fully onto Ruby and then with a demonic growl that of one similar to a werewolf, it spoke. "You... Leader... Die." It's voice was deep and scraggly, but easily understandable. It spoke as if it didn't even hide the intent to kill, Ruby slowly began to back up in fear. But she then heard Aruka break out of the rubble from the building he crashed into. "Don't let it get to you Ruby. I won't let it hurt you, or anyone else here. No matter what." Aruka sent a wave of blistering swords at the demon, but it merely smacked away each one with its tendrils.

"Ruby, I need to take care of this demon alone. You think you can handle that Grimm on your own? Or at least until I return?" Aruka asked. Ruby looked to him and nodded. "Just stay safe, Aruka." Ruby commanded before rushing to the Nuckelavee. "Alright tough guy..." Aruka pulled out his two handguns Ruby and Sapphire and smirked. "Let's Dance!"

A/n- play music here, Start at 1:00. DMC 3 Devils Never Cry Extended.

Aruka rapidly fired at the Demon and ran in the opposite direction of team RNJR to pull the Demon away from them. The demon growled and ran after him and Aruka smiled as he pulled him away from everyone. Aruka kept running until he got a good distance away and turned to quickly block incoming attacks with Yamato. He was able to cut off some Tendrils and noticed that the creature didn't heal from it.

This gave Aruka an idea, he decided to crown the Demon with Storm Swords, the demon was barely fazed by it and took it like it was nothing, but Aruka sent wave after wave of Blistering Swords and the Demon kept swatting them away unaware that Aruka tricked behind him and equipped Drengarr and wrapped it around the tendrils and cut them off in one swift motion.

Aruka smirked as the Demon roared in rage and quickly swatted Aruka into a building. "Damn. That's one strong punch." Before Aruka recovered, the Demon then punched him through the building and sent him back to the fight with everyone who was close to beating the Nuckelavee. "Okay? That's new..." "Aruka! Are you okay?" Ruby yelled in concern.

"Ruby stay back!" Aruka yelled back and stood back up as the Demon crashed through the rubble. The Demon roared and smashed the ground and picked up a piece of the broken ground and threw it. Aruka quickly jumped to the side and equipped Despair and fired into the Demon's face. "Deal with the Grimm!" Aruka yelled to team RNJR and they continued to fight the Nuckelavee.

Aruka kept shooting into the Demon's face aggravating it even further. Aruka dodged a punch aimed straight at his face only to receive another punch to his side that sent him barreling into the Nuckelavee who was now pinned down by team RNJR. The force of the impact alone was enough to deal damage to the Grimm as it screamed in pain and rage. Ren noticed that if he didn't kill it now it would escape. To keep it from going free, he ended it's life quickly and jumped away from a punch aimed right at him from the Demon.

The Demon then smashed it's fists into Aruka who kept taking punch after punch. Aruka slowly tried to get up and with each punch he was only getting more pissed off. Aruka then with a burst of rage activated his Devil Trigger and caught the punch using both hands and threw the Demon back. "Your really starting to piss me off." Aruka growled in a demonic voice. Aruka then equipped Yamato and sent Perfect Judgement Cut after Perfect Judgement Cut at the Demon pushing it back.

Aruka then activated his Sin Devil Trigger and rushed at the Demon and rapidly slashed at it multiple times before stabbing it in the chest with Yamato. "It's time... to DIE!" Aruka growled, and then ripped the Yamato from it's chest before cutting it's head clean off. Aruka sheathed Yamato and deactivated his Sin Devil Trigger.
A/n-End music here.

Ruby had left to go check on her Uncle and Aruka heard Airships coming. Everyone got onto the Airships as they began to make their way to Mistral. "We did it... thank god." Aruka smiled and passed out on the Airship due to exhaustion.

Unspecified timeskip

Aruka awoke in a room laying in a bed. He looked around and saw Qrow sleeping in a bed adjacent to his own and Ruby laying comfortably and fast asleep in Aruka's bed next to him. He smiled and brushed some of her hair out of her face, before taking a hold of her hand and going back to sleep.

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