Mission 15- Onward to Kuroyuri

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"Wake up. Aruka wake up!" Ruby yelled in a worried tone. This woke up a now pissed off Aruka when he looked to see why she was so worried. Qrow was coughing this purple stuff. "Poison. Of course." Aruka quickly got to his feet and hurried to Qrow's side. Qrow could only cough into his hand, Aruka looked to see it wasn't actual blood. "He is okay. But he needs a doctor ASAP." Aruka stood on his feet. "Do you know what's wrong with him?" Ruby asked. "If I understand the concept of aura, it seems that he isn't fatally wounded. Thanks to what is left of Qrow's diminishing aura, it's trying to get rid of the poison in his body, but if he runs out of aura before that wound gets patched up properly, then he could die." Aruka told her.

Some time later, Ruby and Jaune were carrying Qrow while Aruka, Ren and Nora were guarding them as they walked along the path. "Just... hold on, Uncle Qrow." Qrow was talking to himself, almost as if recalling a memory. "He's getting worse." Jaune stated. "He'll be fine. How much farther?" Ruby quickly said denying what Jaune said. "We've gotta be close." Nora said worried. "Without the map, there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we're close to something." Ren said over his shoulder to the group behind him. Aruka saw a sign ahead and so did Ren. They both quickly ran up to the sign and read it.

"Hey, hey! Mistral! We're on the right path!" Nora said running up to them. Ren just kept staring at the sign, one of the locations was crossed out. It read 'Kuroyuri' and Ren was staring directly at it. Nora looked to see and realized just why Ren was silent. "Does it say how close?!" Ruby asked. "No." Aruka told them in a defeated tone. "And it looks like the path takes us up through the mountains." Ren added. "Guys, I don't know if all of us can make that climb." Jaune said as him and Ruby set Qrow down with the makeshift stretcher.

Ruby then ran up to join Aruka's side and pointed, "Okay. Well, what about this place? Kuro... Kuroyuri. Can we get help there?" Ruby looked at them desperately. "That village was destroyed years ago." Ren said. "But if it takes us around the mountains, it's the best bet we've got." Jaune came up to them trying to be optimistic. "It will take too long." Ren started to get furious. "The town would have had a doctor, right? Maybe we can scavenge for some medicine." Ruby pleaded. "We're not going to find anything! We just have to press on!" Ren yelled.

Aruka could tell something was wrong with Ren and so could everyone else. Aruka then spoke up. "Fine, we split up. Nora you can go with Ren. Jaune, you and I will help Ruby and bring Qrow through Kuroyuri." "No, we're supposed to stick together and keep each other safe!" Jaune argued. "We don't have that kind of option right now Jaune." Aruka argued back. He turned to Nora and Ren. "If you two make it to Mistral you know to bring some people back for us, if you don't you should at least have a better view to help guide us." They both looked to each other and then nodded. "Ok. Then I guess it's settled. Keep each other safe." Jaune told them. "We always have." Nora said with a smile.

Jaune and Ruby picked up Qrow and took one more look at Nora and Ren waving them off, before they started walking to Kuroyuri with Aruka by their side. "They'll be fine Jaune." Aruka said. "You don't know that." He replied glumly. "I do know, because their strong when facing opponents together. They become in sync, they have a strong bond and that's why I know they will be okay." He told him making Jaune smile a bit as they continued in silence.

After a long walk Aruka, Ruby and Jaune made it to Kuroyuri. But the town... was completely destroyed. Every building looked destroyed as if took a wrecking ball through it halfway and just left it. There were no lights, and it was all in shambles. "This is horrible. It's even worse than Redgrave city." They continued walking into the village and Ruby spoke up. "Any of these places look like a pharmacy." "These buildings are so damaged... I can't even tell what is what. I can see why Ren didn't want to come." Aruka said. "Do you know why, Jaune?" Ruby asked. "Yeah... I think I have a pretty good idea." Jaune looked saddened when he said that.

After awhile of searching Aruka came back to both Jaune and Ruby. "Please say you found something." Ruby begged. Aruka just looked away from her unable to say anything. Ruby only sighed, "We should get back to Qrow." They returned to Qrow and watched over him. Aruka could hear roaring in the distance and so could Jaune and Ruby. "That can't be good." Aruka muttered. "It's far off." Ruby told Jaune. "I know but... Ren and Nora are still out there." Jaune told her. Aruka stood up and said, "I need to go clear my head for a minute. I'll keep searching while I'm at it." Then he began to walk off without looking back.

Aruka left to be on his own and sat down with his back to a wall. This feeling he has, this sadness, has never consumed him like it has now. The grimm... they were more than what he thought they were. This kind of damage can only come from a demon or Grimm and if this happened years ago, then only Grimm could do this. They are more than just creatures. They are Remnant's fear embodied. They can be terrifying and deadly in more ways than one. They are this world's demons, and he will not stand by and let them take over this world.

Suddenly he heard a loud screech and a roar one after the other. "What the hell!?" Aruka's eyes widened and then began to run back to Ruby, Jaune and Qrow to find not just them but Nora and Ren. "Nora? Ren? What are you-" then he sees two creatures standing side by side. One a demon the other a Grimm.

 One a demon the other a Grimm

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"What the hell

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"What the hell..." Aruka could barely say anything before the Grimm creature known as the Nuckelavee started to screech.

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