.⋆。˚◯● Playful Banter● ◯˚。⋆.

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·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙


"Saihara! Is everything okay?" I ran around side of the shrine after hearing a loud bang. I slid to the side seeing Saihara picking up a mess. "Ah, thank goodness.." He heavily sighed looking disappointed in himself. "Ah, I'm sorry, Ms. (L/n)." I shook my head rushing to his side and began helping him gather the mess together. "I'm just glad you're okay." His brows knitted together. "I'm sorry I'm not much help..." I smiled kindly to him. "You've been doing amazing, Saihara. I couldn't ask for anything more." He bashfully scratched his cheeks as his face turned red. "Ah, thank you.." I extended my hand foward. "Here. Let's go over today's reports over some tea." Shuichi gingerly placed his warm hand in mine as I lead him to the dining area.

Shuichi has been assisting me for about two months now. Hes been quite helpful around the shrine and the town investigations. Over time I've found him to be very kind and shy. Unlike his reputation. Although, he is quite the looker.

Shuichi took kneeled down next to me and glazed over our town map. "I asked Kaede for updates on her issues." I gazed over to where his finger was placed. "And what did she say?" His expression became more serious. "She said that she's been feeling weak physically and has been passing out frequently. And worst of all Mr. Amami has reported feeling very drowsy and weak as well." I raised a brow. "Isnt he her lover?" He nodded. "But they both stay in Ms. Shirogane's inn..." I hummed. ".. You dont think Ms. Shirogane is a kitsune?" He shook his head. "Ah, no I couldn't sense any type of energy around her.. but I suspect Kaede has might have something to do with Amami's energy loss." I pulled the tea pot closer to us pouring us both a cup and squinted my eyes. "So you suspect she may be feeding off his energy and faking?" He softly affirmed by statement. "That's it." I picked up the cup taking a sip in contemplating our next axtions. "We'll investigate further before making a move..." Saihara took a sip of tea frowning. "But what if Kaede-" I hushed him by placing my finger on his mouth. His cheeks turn pink. "Ahm." Was all he could mutter out. "Let's not worry about that right now. We need to stay focused at the task at hand and find out the truth." He sighed softly. "Anyways.. Let's talk my dear, Saihara." He placed his finished tea down. "About what?" I shrugged. "Anything really. Would you like me to start?" I teased. Not to my suprise, he nodded. "Alright then.. You know you dont have to hide your ears and tails anymore, Saihara. Especially when it's just us." His eyes widened. "Are you sure?" I giggled. "Of course! You are my partner afterall.." His cheek color darkened as he revealed himself. His soft white ears went down in embarrassment. His tails swayed along ever so gracefully. "Ah, Saihara?" His shoulders jolted up in surprise. "Yes?" I smiled and petted his ears. "Have the tip of your ears always been black?" He awkwardly slouched down as his ears had been touched. "I guess so.." I giggled and smirked. "You know.. for a kitsune you're quite coy and sheepish." He leaned back into my arms. "Is that so?" I squeaked. "And quite bold too!" He began pushing himself up. "Um I'm sorry it's just comforting.." I guided him back to where he was resting. "No it's fine, Saihara.." He began to calm down. "Is it true your tails show off his wise your are? Maybe that's why you're so much more mellow!" He shifted in my arms. "Something like that.. It indicates my life span. And with age comes wisdom.. So with some extent I agree." I hummed. "You have seven.. So only two more to go! Then you'll ascend into the stars?" He chuckled. "That's true.. but that's not for another few hundreds of years.." His lips pursed. "But you look around my age!!" He scratched his neck. "Its the best form to blend in the crowd with.." He then looked at me with a sad face. "But perhaps as I'm with you I'll take form of whatever age you'll be." I attempted to cheer him up. "Even when I'm old and wrinkly I'll still be threatening to most yokai!" He let out a low chuckle

Of course he'll out live me. Hes probably seen so much death by now. I wonder if that's why he's so introverted around others.

"But for now... Let's make the time you're stuck as my partner interesting." He smiled looking up at me with his beautiful dark gamboge eyes. "I couldnt ask for anything more.."

My beloved kitsune partner..

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