Start from the beginning

"Boo!" Alex sneaked up behind him. She made herself visible again and admired his look of awe. Barry asked if she could do it again, to which she complied. Once he was satisfied with her little trick, she grabbed his hand and tugged him out of the track. "Come on, I want to show you something."

They joined with Iris and Joe again, who looked like they were still chatting about their previous conversation about whether or not it was a good idea to bring his memories back. The four of them went up to the cortex, this time taking the elevator instead of running there.

Alex brought Barry over to where his suit was on the mannequin. "Is this mine?" He questioned. The three of them nodded. "You really weren't kidding when you said that we were heroes. What was it again? The Flash? Are you sure that The Streak isn't a better name, maybe?"

The three of them looked at Barry and then at each other before erupting in laughter. The irony of it all. Just then, Wally and the others stormed into the cortex demanding to turn on the TV. On the news, there was a building that was completely erupted in flames. According to the news host, it was, Heat Monger that set it on fire.

"That's the guy that went free because of me," Barry gained a sad look on his face. Alex didn't hesitate to switch into her suit. Just because Wally and Barry couldn't do anything didn't mean that she couldn't. "Whoa, where are you going? You can't stop that by yourself you could get hurt."

"I have to try. This is what I signed up for," Alex assured him. She left the lab and headed towards the building. The fire was a lot greater than she had originally thought and to be honest she wasn't sure if she could put it out on her own. Alex ran up the side of the building and began to at least try to stop the flames.

There were way too many people to try and just get everyone out, she was going to need to stop it from the source. Alex ran into the flaming building and began to move her arms at such a high speed to suck all the oxygen out of the room. It had partially worked but not nearly enough for the fire to stop.

She tried another tactic of running around the entire building in hopes that the large surface area she was covering would extinguish the fire. Just as all of her other attempts, it was failing. It seemed as if the fire was getting greater rather than diminishing. It didn't seem like she was going to be able to do this on her own.

"Cisco!" Alex yelled through her ear piece. Cops and the fire department were finally showing up but there were still too many people in that building to save. "I could really use some help right now!"

Alex ran up alongside the building once more, this time focusing all of her energy on trying to be fast enough to put out this fire. Cisco mumbled something about working on trying to get her help but he wasn't working fast enough. Alex was getting worn out trying to fix this building before anyone got hurt.

Slowly, with the help of the fire department, she was managing to put this fire out. Just as she thought that she was going to lose feeling in her legs from pushing them so hard, the beautiful familiarity of Barry's scarlet streak joined her up alongside the building. Not a moment later, Wally was there as well.

Together, the three of them raced around the building. Their combined speed easily put out the remaining part of the fire that she was unable to accomplish. As soon as the last of the flame was out and darkness once more filled the night, they ran into the building, capturing Heat Monger and making sure that this time he would end up in iron heights.

They left him to the cops and made their way back to STAR Labs. They stood out in the hall as everyone inside waited on their return. Barry was quick to pull her into his arms and give her a long, much needed kiss.

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